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Zlepšenie odborných a kompetenčných znalostí žiakov ŠÚV
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By carrying out this project we expect to improve the functions of our school on several levels.On personal level, and on the level of individuals:short-term improvements- higher activity and performance in the teaching process-the improvement of linguistic skills-the improvement of professional knowledge from the following fields:a/ promotional graphics and promotional art design - working with the IT equipment, display and formatting of texts, setting fonts, color, size, highlighting of texts, break and alignment of texts, toolbars, layering, arches, levels, brightness and contrast, composition of texts and images, filters and their usage, special effects, pre-press operations, overprint control, activities of the HR department, the process of job interviews b/ photographic design: work woth IT eguipment, photographic design made by the clients guidelines, preproduction - compozition, work with photographic equipment, lightdesign, postproduction - Photoshop editing, filters, layers, special effects, text blocks, print preparationc/ design - the creation of promotional materials on new platforms of promotion - SwingGo. The creation of posters, invitations, and billboards for this platform, working with the IT equipment, display and formatting of texts, setting fonts, color, size, highlighting of texts, break and alignment of texts, toolbars, layering, arches, levels, brightness and contrast, composition of texts and images, filters and their usage, special effects, pre-press operations, overprint control.mid-term improvements:- a more active approach towards self-education and acquiring professional knowledge in a formal and in a non=formal way - to increase his/her value on the job market and to ensure an easier employability - to increase initiatives while looking for job opportunities by self-employment - better competence in this process - better knowledge about the projects and values of the EUlong-term improvements:- a better quality of working life, the ability to share our competence with other people either in a formal, or in a non-formal way- better knowledge about the projects and values of the EU- to generate an active citizen, who is able to represent his/her own ideas, and to support the building of a democratic society Improvements on the level of the school short-term improvements-better performance and discipline of students while carrying out out their tasks-to improve the prestige and the image of our school in the city, region and in the state as wellmid-term aims:- to improve the general performance of our school, since by building strategic partnerships with firms, workshops, and institutions, we would like to ensure for our students and employees and interesting training, which will lead to a better position of our school in the region - by cooperating with with professional workplaces we would like to achieve a type of training, which reacts to the needs of the job market - by building strategic partnerships, we would like create thematic plans that are adapted to the need of the job market long-term aims:-to create a school, which is able to ensure for its students the development of their professional, personal and civic abilities, in order to ensure an active attitude towards life and civic life-to develop and strengthen the cultural and spiritual heritage of the European community and of the EU -to create formal and non-formal programs of vocational education in the study fields of artThe mobility duration is 3 weeks and is planned at the beginning of 2016/2017 school year.

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