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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a small village school, where all pupils from the first to ninth class are living in a village, but their social background is different. There are pupils who frequently travel to European countries and they have chance to communicate in English, which is taught as the first foreign language in our school, so they understand its learning importance. But many pupils also come from deprived background so they don´t have this chance. Therefore we try to use various forms and methods to explain this importance and arrange it in our school. First of all it is a rich using of visualization by modern devices. We try to explain the subject matter visualy with a specific using by information and communication technology. Our teachers try to study further, educate themselves and share their knowledge and experiences with other colleagues to work with pupils competently and to offer new enganging ways to build pupils´ language competences. Our organization tries to support teachers. The Project, which the Grant we are applying for, should hepl to improve and diversify the teaching of English in our school and thus prepare pupils to communicate not only within our region, but at least in the European Union. The Project will involve our pupils and five teachers from our organization. The selected teacher will be sent to the language course in Cambridge and after its completion will be organized throughout the year activities using knowledge of this course such as: Discussion with the other project participant teachers from our school about a study visit at Bell Teacher Campus in Cambridge, presentation of knowledge, materials, evaluation of the visit, discussion with students, disclosure of the Project on the school website, a Workshop about English speaking countries - development of a poster, Christmas English customs and traditions from different parts of the world - presentation by songs and dramatization, Knowledge of English grammar competition between classes, Friendly messages for the school magazine - in English, Creation of a book of pictures with the English vocabulary within March - the Month of books, Knowledge vocabulary quiz, a Tea party- cheerful stories and storytelling, the Project evaluation, publication of results of the Project on a school website. The tasks of project partners cover to manage activities for our teacher. The course content will be teaching vocabulary, students encouranging to speak English, teaching English grammar in a funny way, helping pupils in listening comprehension, use of songs and games in teaching, teaching pronunciation, storytelling. New methods and forms of teaching English language will be mainly used in future process of education. The long-term benefits of our Project are expected in greater motivation of students to learn the English language, their wish to communicate in it with friends from other countries through the Internet, an increasing credit of our school through high quality and a modern teaching of English with proven success in it, such as the successful placement of pupil in secondary schools.
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1 Partners Participants