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Žít jazyk: studovat, učit, rozumět
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background: The idea of the project "To Live The Language: To Learn, Teach and Understand" has resulted from discussions of our school management and teachers aiming to develop the school which is aware of globalization problems and perceiving of different cultures and their languages as an essential part of European area and our life in it. The project participants, foreign languages teachers and the headmaster, will acquire competences enabling them to understand these issues in depth. SSSMEP is a secondary school for 15-20 year-old students. We have 230 students on roll with 20 teachers. The school is situated in a locality suffering from socio-economic problems, a high unemployment rate and a low level of education. Students opportunities to travel to or communicate with students from European countries are limited by this. Many of our students lack the necessary language skills in foreign languages, and thus we have decided to focus on English language and German language as one of the priorities. The focus for this includes curriculum (teaching methods and learning), innovation and improving students' performance in the school-leaving exams. Objectives of the project: This project will increase not only teaching staff personal competences, skills and sensitivities, but will impact upon our students' foreign linguistic competences and cultural sensitivity to diversity. We aim to bring the centrality of language skills in effective learning into the consciousness of all school staff . The competences acquired by participating staff will help them to be more sensitive to students' needs. We wish to expand experience of CLIL teaching and to strenghten cooperation among Foreign languages, Business communication, IT and Geography teachers. Their cooperation helps students become aware of inter-subject relationships. Number and profile of applicants: 5 staff in total across the school with a range of teaching experience and responsibilities including the Executive Head Teacher, two German Language Teachers and two English Language Teachers who will cooperate to disseminate results and affect wider change within the school and beyond. The project participants were chosen according to the needs of our school and also on the base of mobility project aims (supporting students, teachers, especially in languages and different cultures, emphasizing the European dimension of a school meeting variable educational requirements). Activities/Methodology used in carrying out the project: The participants will attend a two-week course which will be chosen according to the participants' training needs, but will come from this list: Intensive Language learning, Methodology of Teaching English and German as a Foreign Language, Language & Methodology and Language&Culture. The participants acquire knowldege through informal learning, exchanging ideas of best practise involving new methodology and using sources of information, they learn about European educational systems and opportunities coming from Erasmus+. Commencing and sustaining of international cooperation is required to devolop the school. Cultural visits and activities incorporated into language courses are an example of activities helping to improve awareness of different cultures and accepting distinctions. Anticipated results: Teachers' foreign language competences and their ability to deliver CLIL based curricula increase. They also focus on inter-subject relationships (Foreign languages, IT, Geography, Communication in Business) and cross-curricular topics. Their confidence in using the spoken word in the target language improves which results in higher motivation to participate in future international projects. Students' conception of the importance of speaking foreign language is heightened, their achievements in language qualifications increase and their understanding and awareness of cultural diversity improves. Impact envisaged/Long term benefits: Awareness of the need to use a foreign language for educational, cultural, employment and private purposes will have a positive impact on the school's ethos. The opportunities to participate in further project work will be enhanced because of higher selfconfidence of teachers and gainig new contacts. The school community will understand the concept of an 'International School' as an institution which is inclusive, participatory and respects cultural and linguistic diversity.
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