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Zero Waste
Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zero Waste Structured Dialogue between young people and policy makers is combination of 4 local events - seminars when youth will come together in Trbovlje, Koper, Maribor and Kamnik and they will prepare their proposals for local food waste, health and zero waste policies improvement on the level of their cities and then they will come together to Ljubljana to final national conference in May 2016 that will take place at Breg and Informational Office of European Parliament. The founding message is that the current EU food system produces unacceptable quantities of food waste and our consumption habits, in particular of animal-based foods, cause huge quantities of resource loss and environmental damage. At local events and also at the national conference we will distribute free plant-based meal that will be prepared from surplus vegetables which would have otherwise been wasted. In this way we will showcase how much water and food is saved by more careful organisation and zero waste policy. In May 2016 with help of Youth Council of Slovenia and Ekologi brez meja, who will be co-fascilitating the conference prepare official proposal on how to empower and activate youth in fields of climate change, zero waste policies and health and nutrition (risk prevention) and prepare proposals for change in policies in Slovenia and Europe. This will be presented to representatives of Slovenian Governemnet, Slovenian Parliament and European Parliament Sustainable Food Systems Group. In Netherlands Viva Las Vegas, in Germany European Vegetarian Union and in Belgium Act4Change will prepare similiar national KA305 projects and we will then be part of larger International KA305 Structured Dialogue Project that will have the final conference in June 2016 in Brussels, where we will toghether present the EU sustainable food strategy proposal from all participants- Our strategic goal is to propose improvement in EU guidelines on a sustainable diet, which include the need to reduce consumption of animal-based foods, for health and environmental reasons, and increase quantity on plant-based foods, reduce EU food waste by 30% by 2025. We hope also that out of this projects new initiatives will come alive locally, nationally and Europe wide.
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