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Zemědělství stále žije II
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project proposal was designed for students of the Secondary School Znojmo, Dvorakova, enabling them to foreign internships at workplaces in France, Denmark and Austria. In to this project were enrolled students of four-year graduation courses Agrobusiness and Science lyceum, then pupils of three years apprenticeship farm machinery repairman. Students of these fields during their studies have vocational subjects, consisting of agricultural production. The aim of the project was to improve and develop practical skills of students in an environment different from ours. Another aim was to motivate students to study alone and those with good grades and an interest in learning about discipline and offer new experiences and promote the language and communication skills. The project lasted 24 months, during which originated 17 mobilities. The change compared to the application was in the cancellation of two mobilities in Denmark and increase of one mobility in Austria. Description of mobilities: France 2014 Two students of the field of Agrobusiness and two students of Science lyceum attended. Workplace school farms were in Beaulieu and Mirande. The beginning of the week they had spiced up by physical education classes with French students. After that they were taken at their workplaces, which fulfill their tasks in the work programme. Denmark 2014 There participated one student of Agrobusiness and one student of Science lyceum. The students stayed and ate in the school facilities in Korynth in the region Syddanmark, it is a part of the vocational school in Odense. The workplaces were private farms engaged in breeding cattle and pigs. Austria 2015 There were two students of the field Agrobusiness and two students of the field farm machinery repairman. Students of Agrobusiness worked on the school farm LFS Obersiebenbrunn and on the farms of local farmers. The pupils of farm machinery repairman worked in repair shops companies Lagerhaus. France 2015 Attended by four students of Agrobusiness. Workplace school farms were in Beaulieu and Mirande. The students spent the weekend in hosting families. Austria 2016 Attended by two students of Agrobusiness and one pupil of farm machinery repairman. Agrobusiness students worked on the school farm LFS Obersiebenbrunn and on the farms of local farmers. The pupil of machinery repairman worked in repair workshops of the company Lagerhaus. Denmark 2016 At spring 2016 we postponed the autumn internship to Denmark. Due to the worsened security conditions in Europe after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, these internships after talking with students and their parents was canceled. All students received after completing the internship Europass Mobility, which was written in English or German. The result of the project is to improve the communication skills of trainees in a foreign language, familiarity with working conditions abroad and knowledge of different cultural practices in the place of internship. The project made more attractive agriculturally related fields of our schools, for which broadened new knowledge and skills of students. The project supported good partner relations and further cooperation with schools abroad.

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