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Zelena učionica budućnosti
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During this project the school intends to achieve goals in three main areas: - enhance the level of digital competencies using advanced ICT tools in regular classes and extracurricular school activities, given that developing eight key competencies contribute to specific goals of Erasmus+ program. - emphasize the significance of STEM school subjects and the area of technology by binding them, supporting the National Education Reform, developing pupils' competencies. - develop an integrated, cross-curricular school curriculum, based on pupils' needs, in order to teach them sustainable development in real-life situation. To achieve all that it is necessary to train the following teachers of our school: - Biology teacher in the area of sustainable development - Teacher of Primary School Subjects in our branch school (1) in the area of permaculture design - Teacher of Primary School Subjects in our branch school (2) in the area of designing school gardens and biodinamic plant cultivation - Music teacher and the leader of herbal corner activity in the area of permaculture design of the lab in the open and vertical plant cultivation - Art teacher in the area of artistic design with natural material - Maths teacher in the area of using tablets in STEM subjects - Croatian language teacher in the area of multimedia production technology - Croatian language teacher in the area of using tablets to enhance reading and writing skills for pupils with special needs - English teacher in the area of collaborative learning - Teacher of Primary School subjects in our branch school (3) in the area of intercultural communication - ICT teacher (leader of the activity for pupils with special needs) in the area of integrative approach to pupils with special needs - Headteacher on job-shadowing in partner school and on a course for quality management The project will include 241 pupils from our school together with 12 teachers in: -Maths, Biology, Science, Croatian, English, Art and Design lessons, all the school subjects in primary school from 1st to 4th grade - extracurricular activities: PUPoljci (pupils with special needs club), Young Entrepreneurs, Gardners, Eco-club, School community, film and school newspaper club, herbal corner club - integration and cross-curricular connection of STEM areas in research, projects, flipped classroom and open practicum - on the level of international coorporation of two partner schols through eTwinning Our school wants to contribute to the development of education in the area of inovattiveness and entrepreneurship, which is an important tool which contributes to Europe 2020 strategy, and by that, to the main goal of Erasmus+ program. Course providers were found with the help of School Education Gateway course database, and by contacting the course providers via email we were informed about the timetables and available courses. Headteacher has found the partner school for job-shadowing during kick-off meeting for KA1 and KA2 in 2014 and using eTwinning platform. PREPARATION ACTIVITIES -interviews, surveys and participant selection for the project was conducted from September 2014 to January 2015. -organization and implementation of language, cultural, communication, safety and basic participant preparation activities -communication with the partner schools and course providers IMPLEMENTATION The development of the integrated cross-curricular school curriculum for the area of sustainable development will be achieved through: -training of all the participants on structured courses and job-shadowing in the partner school in the first 12 months of prject implementation -development of the curriculum of the following extracurricular activities: - Young entrepreneur - PUPoljci (Pupils with special needs), Gardeners, Herbal corner club, Eco-club, School community, Film club, School newspaper club within the school curriculum - design of the permaculturaly designed outer parts into practicum in the open - development of digital materials - creation of teaching scenarios for lessons in STEM area - research, practical work, analysis of carbon trail in open educational resources DISSEMINATION INSTITUTION AND REGIONAL LEVEL - Teacher councils - informative workshops in county-level teacher gatherings - county-level principal gathering - radio shows STATE LEVEL - state-level principal gatherings - eTwinning workshops EUROPEAN LEVEL eTwinning - ESHA EVALUATION - surveys, competitions, reports LEARNING OUTCOMES - enhance quality of integrated school curriculum - raise attractiveness on European level -increase competence of school staff TEACHERS - creation of integrated area of sustainable development - enhance ICT skills PUPILS - enhance competences in foreign language - use online resources - use basic expressions from sustainable development - make business plan
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1 Partners Participants