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"Zdrowe odżywianie jako sposób na walkę z otyłością i szansą na zmniejszenie bezrobocia wśród absolwentów szkół rolniczych"
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project participants are the students of The Kazimierz Wielki Complex of Schools Agricultural Education Centre who are educated to be specialists of ?food processing and domestic science? or ?food processing and catering services? . They are young people mainly coming from rural areas and small towns. They are characterized by a low level of self-esteem, passive approach to life and lack of plans for the future. The implementation of the project is aimed at giving them a helping hand, indicating which path to follow and helping them realize that employment is a key factor for successful life. The training will take place in June 2015. A group of 18 students and 2 teachers will leave for three weeks` internship in Vitalis Betreuungsgesellschaft fur Modelleprojekte mbH in Schkeuditz. The host partner will provide placements in professional catering companies where the young people will be involved in the work related to consumer service. The training will include preparing and serving meals, decorating dishes, decorating consumption sites and maintaining vessels and catering equipment clean. Working in accordance with Health and Safety rules will be one of the basic principles. The project promotes healthy food. All meals will be prepared according to the food recommendations for each age group and occupational group to prevent obesity and obesity related diseases among Europeans. The trainees will get a language, professional and cultural training prior to leaving. The host partner has considerable experience in organizing training projects for young people from all over Europe, which guarantees a high level of professional education. Germans are well- known for their reliability and accuracy. The young people will have an opportunity to acquire such values at the beginning of their professional careers. The trainees will get a chance not only to learn about the culture, traditions and religion of our neighbors but also to improve their knowledge of the German language with regard to professional and specialist vocabulary. The main objective of the project is to enhance mobility of agricultural education graduates entering the employment market. It will be achieved through meeting related targets such as: mastering the German language, increasing the participants` self-esteem and faith in their own abilities. According to the targets of ?Education and Training 2010?, the project contributes to improving the quality and effectiveness of professional education. Practical training received with foreign companies is a valuable experience especially for the people who are just entering the job market. The participants have a better chance to find employment in both domestic and foreign markets. It promotes coherence and civic participation. A long-term benefit is to prevent early school leaving and, consequently, improve professional qualifications of agricultural school graduates. Having drawn conclusions from the previously implemented ones, the project will contribute to the improvement of the social and employment situation of young people whom the fate of our country depends on.

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