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Zdravotníci v Evropě
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Nurses in Europe" was prepared for the students of Secondary Nursing School in Hranice, branch nursing, finished by the school leaving exam. The presenter of this project as well as the sending organization was the Secondary Nursing School in Hranice. The students acquire at school wide theoretical knowledge and they have lessons of practical training at school laboratories, caring institutions for elderly people and hospitals. Suitable extention of above mentioned education was the internship abroad where students could see new methods and got updat information in their branch and also obtained higher level of language competences. The partners for this project were two institutions. Language Solution, Portsmouth, England, educational institution whose main role was to find the workplacements in the local health and nursing institutions - care homes for seniors and nurseries. In cooperation with this institution we realized two runs of internships which were successful. Last year we started cooperation with a new partner, Future Focus Ltd., Floriana, Malta. These intermediary organizations helped also with organising the accommodation, local transport and orientation in the place. In the frame of the Call 2015 we prepared 2 runs of the mobilities for 22 students and 2 accompanying persons. The mobilities ran as planned in October/November 2015 in Malta 12 students (3rd and 4th year) and April 2016 in England 10 students ( 3rd year). In the above mentioned years students have regular practical training twice a week in different departments in the hospital in Hranice and in Přerov and the intership abroad was effective addition to this practical training as well as theoretical education in the main subjects - Nursing, Psychology and Communication, First aid. Students from Hranice and from Přerov will participate in the project. The main goals of the project were: 1) to improve special education of the students - especially their practical training 2) to extent students´ knowledge in the field of their studies 3) to show students different ways of nursing abroad 4) to extent students´knowledge and skills and introduce new methods 5) to support effective way of learning foreign language through the stay abroad 6) to help understand culture, traditions, education in a foreign country as well as the organization and conditions of the labour market in the EU countries. The expected results of the project are: 1) to improve special nursing education of our students especially their practical training 2) to extent students´knowledge in their practical education and through this support extention of their qualification 3) usage of the gained information from the field of nersing in our country 4) to support students in getting jobs in our country as well as abroad with the help of Europass mobility document 5) increased confidence of the students doing jobs abroad 6) to start long lasting cooperation with educational and health 7)to increase the motivation for serious studying of medical subjects and foreign languages, too Useful benefit for our students was also professional, language and cultural preparation before leaving for the internship. Then in companies abroad they worked in caring positions, they took care of seniors and children under the age of accordance with Units of Learning, all participants used the ECVET system. This system was used in Call 2014 and we were satisfied especially with the fact that Units of Learning define exactly the programme of the internship and the results of learning. During the internship we fulfiled the above mentioned goals and programme planned. Students recieved Europass Mobility, Certificate of Attendance and Assessment Report from recieving organisations.
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