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Zdokonalování pedagogické práce s žáky s poruchami autistického spektra a odborné praxe žáků s handicapem jako prostředek k jejich lepšímu uplatnění na evropském trhu práce
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project has been created because of the need of our organization to adopt and improve teaching methods used during the work with pupils suffering from some kind of autism spectrum disorders symptoms and enable the students with physical handicap to take part in work-based learning abroad, improve their language and professional skills and by that to increase their opportunities for their future career at the frame of European job market.Although our school is the special needs school with the target group of pupils with physical handicap, every year the number of students suffering from any types of autism spectrum disorders symptoms increases, mainly in combination with physical handicap. In the past only the limited number of those students attended our school so it is really important for us to visit schools which are more experienced in dealing with this kind of handicap, observe their work and try to transmit their procedures and methodical approaches into our school work. We found our project partner at the contact seminar in Reykjavik. The teachers involved into project on the Czech side are eight special needs teachers, educators and assistants. We intend to visit the school in Sweden and watch its teachers' teaching methods and pedagogical approaches towards pupils belonged to the mentioned category. Expected benefit for our school will be familiarization with the methods used during the work with students of the mentioned category and their application into our educational practice. We also hope in establishing long term cooperation with the Swedish school and reciprocal sharing of new-gain knowledge gained during our work.As for students mobilities, we have decided to get involved in this kind of project since we believe that such experience will help to increase limited opportunities of our students on European job market by deepening their professional knowledge, improving language and communication skills, it will increase their culture awareness, their self-confidence and self-evaluation. Sixteen of our students will be involved in the project, every year eight of them will travel together with our assistants to Plymouth in Great Britain where they will take part in worked-based training in the special worked-based centre. The pupils will be chosen carefully on the base of their language and professional knowledge. We will take into consideration also their self-reliance and possibility of the application of the gained knowledge and skills into their work practice. We cooperate with Tellus agency to create suitable conditions of practice and accommodation for our handicapped students. After our project is accepted, our coordinator and headteacher will travel to Plymouth to check if both conditions of the practice and the accommodation are prepared for our students and if there is anything which should be improved. During the practice there will be accompanying people present to help our students during their movement, hygiene and other situations where the help of an assistant is needed. The pupils will use tools ECVET and EUROPASS during the practice. To evaluate practice outcomes we will use ECVET tool, which together with EUROPASS will become an important part of the students´ portfolio. It will result in increasing their chance to find employment on the European job market. The mobility will become a strong instrument of motivation for all students of our school. Both activities will contribute to increasing internacionality of our school and they will help us to fulfil goals of European development plan of our school. They will also increase prestige of our school in national area and they will help to develop our teachers´ professional skills.

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