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Zdobywamy nowe kompetencje – zagraniczna praktyka w Holandii
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project known as "We are gaining new competence - internship within the Netherlands" will have partcipants consisting of 40 students and graduates who from up to 12 months have graduated from Zespol Szkol Przyrodniczo-Uslugowej i Bursy Szkolnej in the vocational and technical catering school in Jelenia Gora. The project will be managed according to the PCM methodology. The main goal of the project is to improve the key qualifications and skills of 40 people, students and ZSPUiBS graduates with the intention of enhancing their self-development and ability to be hired within the European labor market. They will be provided the opportunity to apply theoretical knowlegde to real-life work conditions in the food processing companies in the Netherlands by undergoing an eight week internship program to 30th June, 2016 Objectives: – the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence in the food processing industry within the areas of company conduct, technological production, machine and equipment handling, quality control systems, health and safety recognized by the ECVET – the development of employee attitude, and personal and language competence – the increasing of awareness and understanding of different cultures, countries and European identities – the changing of attitudes of graduates from being passive to active – increasing self-confidence The aim of this program is to facilitate learning of the details of the Dutch labor market and acquire the necessary practical experience. The Netherlands is a good place for the training of youth due to its highly developed food processing industry and large number of businesses. The Erasmus' funding program allows for the vocational training of interns. Teenagers will able to acquire qualifications that will evenly match the qualifications given by renowned Dutch schools, making it viable for them to find a job within the country. By acquiring experience the school is able to improve its current vocational training and implement changes within the internship program. The project takes into account both the needs of the labor market which expects the employee to have practical experience within the profession, and the graduates who will be given the opportunity to acquire practical experience and increase their multicultural and language competence during their internship. The training and educational activities undertaken within the framework of the project play a key role in ensuring graduates that they will achieve appropriate qualifications, skills and attitudes that will then later be essential for being an active member within the labor market and society. Before departing for the internship, which will be planned for two groups, the students will have lessons in culture, pedagogy, and second-language speaking. The real value of the project is the fact that all students will obtain documents issued by the reputable Europass Mobility which will acknowledge all acquired skills gained throughout the internship, and verify certificates of language course and internship completion. Furthermore, the students will have no more difficulties in using a foreign language within the workplace. The most important outcomes of the project: – international work experience gained by participants – increased knowledge, new skills and qualifications of participants( formally as well as informally) – improved language competence among participants – greater adaptability and multicultural skills among participants – personal development of participants, and the establishment of international familiarity – greater employment opportunities for participants through the support of their job-pursuits within the European labor market. Language familiarity will undoubtedly help the participants in understanding the socio-economic conditions in the Netherlands and the facilitating of communication within various environments. Another advantage will be the acquisition of multicultural tolerance. Interns will become acquainted with the work culture of Dutch companies and then bring back those experiences to Poland. The acquiring of teamwork and language skills, and the familiarity of Western standards will create opportunities for employment. The gained work competence will break any psychological and mobility barriers.

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