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Zdobywamy doświadczenie w Europie –praktyki zawodowe przymiarką do współczesnego rynku pracy.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The execution of the project „We gain experience in Europe – work practice as an approach to modern job market” lasted 24 months. (From 01.06.2014 to 31.05.2016). The project’s objectives are preventing youngsters from precocious deserting educational system by the way of raising the level of crucial competence and abilities, including language and professional competence. The project is to help minimize the number of people threatened by poverty and social exclusion, strengthening the international educational dimension, increasing youngster’s mobility, promoting European values, promoting awareness of foreign cultures and traditions, shaping attitudes towards openness and tolerance, learning about aspects of working in a culturally and socially different environment, pointing out the need of continuous enhancing qualifications. The group of participants of the project consisted of 34 students of technical college Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. Stanisława Staszica w Barlewiczkach. The students attended their third year of classes with the following specialities: hotel technician ( 11 People), auto mechanic technician ( 8 People), feeding and gastronomic services technician ( 9 People), computer technician ( 6 People). The students left for four-week professional traineeships in Plymouth (Great Britain). Also, a group of 11 graduate students (6 computer technicians and 5 feeding and gastronomic services technicians) joined the Project. The graduates’ probation also took place in Plymouth and lasted three months. The first graduate to take part in the probation departed in December 20014, and after her, in May 2015 the group of 16 students together with two tutors. The third group, of ten graduates, left in September 2015. The last group of 18 students and two tutors left in October 2015. Our partner in Great Britain was the Tellus Education Group, a Vocational Education Centre from Great Britain, with which we have acquainted when our school has pursued two previous projects within the program of “Learning throughout the lifetime”. The professional traineeships and probations took place at local employers’ institutions and were connected with a course called „Preparation for working life”, conducted by the Tellus Education Group. The course gave the participants an opportunity to obtain qualifications at APT Level 2 Award, a respectable European award. All the activities have been executed in accordance to the schedule. The main project activities were: recruitment of participants, adjusting practice programs to the participant’s needs, signing traineeships’ program agreements, organizing accommodation, catering, purchasing local transport tickets, as well as organizing transport to and from the airport, preparing and signing traineeships’ contracts by all the contracting parties, departing for the practice, participating in APT Level 2 Award, mentoring and tutoring the participants, executing cultural program in Great Britain, evaluating and promoting the project, certification of the effects, publicizing results and submitting reports by the participants. Within the realization of the project the following results have been achieved: 100% of trainees and graduates underwent professional traineeship or probation in Plymouth and received certificates. 100% of trainees and graduates received Europass Mobility documents 100% of trainees and graduates received a confirmation of obtained qualifications due to competence APT Level 2 Award 100% of trainees and graduates took part in cultural and pedagogical preparation workshops 100% of trainees and graduates enhanced their qualifications and language skills. 100% of participants are better prepared for beginning working life and entering job market. Through participation in the project, the participants have developed their skills of team work, creativity, adjusting to a new situation, comprehensibility. They have also developed their sense of affiliation to European Union owing to breaking through language barriers and enhancing their self-esteem. The school’s prestige has been significantly increased, and was allowed to gain new experience in work education and organizing work practice. Professional traineeships and probations as well as the APT placement program allowed the participants to gain and use knowledge, skills and qualifications in order to simplify their personal professional development. The realization of the project influenced many recipient groups: the participants – by enhancing their language, social and professional competence, the school – participation in the project significantly increased the school’s prestige, the partner – they gained experience connected with the project’s realization, local environment – gaining experienced workers and enhancing employment within over-20-year-old employees, enhancing vocational mobility and vocational education’ attractiveness (gaining employees form Poland, international cooperation.)
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