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Zahraniční zkušenost jako prostředek zkvalitnění sociální práce
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aim is to enable students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of Higher Professional School of Social Work to participate in short-term attachments in facilities of social services. Through short-term attachments students will be able to learn about the social system in Poland and the Slovak Republic and they also gain practical experience and skills in working with clients. We would like to establish and develop very good cooperation with partners from these countries. The feedback from previous short-term attachments carried out under the Leonardo da Vinci Program was excellent from the point of view of both partners and students. The foreign partners will provide students with information on facilities providing social services and counselling. According to current options of agents, students will be able to get to know a wide range of facilities and to be engaged in work in them. Then students subsequently try to apply the acquired knowledge and innovative approach in social work. They will learn how to manage communication even in countries where their mother language is not spoken and they will be forced to develop their language skills (English, German). An integral part of the project is the universal development of personality of a social worker. Under the terms of the project, the school for the first time will utilize the European System for Improving the Quality of Mobility in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The short-term attachments will be carried out in November 2015, in June 2016, November 2016 and in May 2017. The students of the second and third courses at our school have ongoing and block work placements within their practical training. The short-term attachment abroad will replace their four-week block work placement. Due to the big interest of our students we want to send out to each country 8 students in November 2015, 8 students in June 2016, 8 students in November 2016 and 8 students in May 2017. Thanks to the short-term attachment both participants and representatives of partner organizations will be able to exchange knowledge and share experience. Some expected contributions of the project we can see in the fact that the participants of these short-term attachments will be able to try to work independently in the system of social services at the closest foreign neighbours, which will enhance their professional capacity and chances of their possible future employment. After returning from the short-term attachment the students will participate in a mini conference where they give students, teachers of the school and social workers working in social facilities information about the newly acquired knowledge and experience. Information about the completed short-term attachments will be posted on the school website The public will be informed about the short-term attachments through the regional newspapers. The verification of the system "Units of learning ECVET" in pursuing the competence of the student can be considered as a long-term contribution to the organization. On the basis of the positive experience we will include units of learning in the regular school program. Thanks to it our school will become more European.

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