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Zahraniční praxí k lepšímu uplatnění na trhu práce
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Center of Professional Training in Technology and Economics, Prague 9, Poděbradská 1 (further COPTH) prepared this project of foreign experience for its students in order to enhance their chances on labour market. A two-years project is focused on two secondary educational courses: Electromechanics and Light Current Engineering - car mechanic. The project is composed of 4 runnings, 3 in the field of Electromechanics and 1 in a field of Car mechanic. There will be 34 students participating in the project, that will take place in two different branches of German educational company SBH Südost: in Döbeln (Electromechanics) and in Eisenach (Car mechanic). There will be students of 3rd or 4th study year participating in the project. These are students with a low experience in practical skills, but on the other hand with a great possess of theoretical knowledge. Participants will extend its theoretical knowledge from the school by a practical experience from abroad. This practical experience is different than the one they could gain in the Czech republic. Working in a foreign environment will also be an important experience. The schedule of practical trainings will be very tough, also linked to the fact, that they will work in a foreign environment. We expect therefore that it will be occupational load, that will make them stronger after having succeed in this challenge. The internship in a field of Electromechanics will be focused on drafting and building of electronic switchboard. First draft will be done on a PC and after being tested it will be built in real. In a Car mechanic internship students will familiarize with modern diagnostic methods when searching the failure on a car system. The goal of all internships will be to deepen the knowledge of technical terms in German. Among soft-skills that will be gained belong a team-working and line of reasoning to defend its own proposals. Internship will be completed by excursions in a companies according to the focus of the internship. This project will give us the first opportunity to apply ECVET.
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