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Zahraniční praktické stáže - cesta zvyšování kvality odborné přípravy žáků SOŠ obchodu, užitého umění a designu Plzeň
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sending organization is the Secondary School of Business, Applied Art and Design Pilsen, 33 Nerudova Street, which has entered a partnership with Karl-Volkmar-Stoy Schule, Staatliches Berufsschulzentrum Wirtschaft und Verwaltung Jena, the United School Detva and the Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School , where some similar business fields of study are taught. The contents of the project is a preparation and a realization of the special practice exchanges abroad of the students, who will either take their maturita exam or will be certified in their vocational educational programmes. Furthermore it includes their evaluation, processing and diffusing of the information. The participants of the project will be the students of maturita branches such as Economics and Business – International Trade, Domestic Trade Economics, Economics and Business – Tourism. Moreover the participants are also the students of vocational education programmes such as Shop – Assistant. They will be recruited from 2nd to 4th classes after the completing of their practical training in the home country. We plan the practical exchanges in the fields of business – marketing, administrative and tourism with the number of 81students in 6courses. Two of these courses will be implemented in Germany , two in Lithuania and another two in Slovakia. The students will have an oportunity to practice abroad in the original language environment, they will extend their professional knowledge, find out some methods, procedures and technologies which even might not be practiced in the CR yet, they will meet some cultural and social aspects of the countries and they will improve their foreign language use including some professional vocabulary. The final products will include: the final reports of the students, presentations and professional student´s pieces of work, Europass mobilities and ECVET documents.

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