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Zagraniczne staże zawodowe dla uczniów Zespołu Szkół Elektrycznych w Kielcach
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project of educational mobility entitled: "Foreign apprenticeships for students of the Vocational Electrical Technical School in Kielce" was prepared by the teachers of the Vocational Electrical Technical School in Kielce, (Poland) in cooperation with foreign partners, which are: ADC College London (United Kingdom), and Vitalis in Leipzig (Germany). The project will be implemented over a period of 24 months: two rounds of the 12 months each. The mobility project will involve a total of 72 students: two groups in each round of the project: an electro-electronics group of 18 people will take professional training in Leipzig and an informatics group of 18 people will take professional training in London. In addition, 2 guardians- teachers for each group will look after students at the place of practice. The major aim of the project is to enhance the attractiveness and raise the educational offer of the school as well as to facilitate mobility of young people, to raise their professional skills, language skills and their personal development. Foreign apprenticeships not only give the opportunity for beneficiaries to deepen their knowledge of specialized German and English language but also to learn about the realities of the German and British labor market, as well as to get to know the cultural heritage of Germany and the UK. Due to the fact that the practice will be held outside the country, students will also learn vocabulary and the realities of everyday life in these countries. In recruitment process will be included third- grade students at ZSE in Kielce from following profiles: informatics technician, electrical technician and electronics technician. Majority of ZSE students live in the country, in the areas of high unemployment, some of them come from low income families. They have low awareness about the requirements of labor market what results in ignoring the need of education and finally contributes to long-term unemployment. In the third year of study, students are required to undergo a 4 -week professional practice in the field of: electricity, electronics and IT in factories and companies. Every year ZSE sends students to apprenticeships in local companies, however, having in mind expansion and modernization of the content of our school programmes ZSE wants to organize apprenticeships in Germany and the UK. All beneficiaries who will be sent abroad will undergo professional language course as well as pedagogical and cultural training. During the apprenticeships they will have practice according to previously agreed between ZSE and foreign partners schedule. The students will be monitored by representatives of partner's institution and by guardians -teachers of language and vocational practice from their own school. There is also planned a monitoring visit of ZSE school director in the abroad places of practice. The apprenticeships will be recognized in Poland as a compulsory professional practice for technical high school students on the basis of daily raports in Diary of Practice. Students will gain professional experience confirmed by by the Europass Mobility and Certificates of Participation in the project. Participation in the project will motivate students to learn more because they will have to meet the requirements of the Rules of Procedure of Recruitment. Work experience abroad will increase their competitiveness on the labor market in future. In addition, ZSE teachers of vocational subjects of IT, electronics and electricity, English and German language by participating along with their students in the project will gain additional knowledge and skills to put these solutions into school practice in subsequent years. An indicator of the results of the project will be the results of the final practice exam, and reports of the beneficiaries. After finishing each round of the project ZSE will implement the dissemination activities to promote mobility of students of the school, such as: exhibition, presentation of the results to the Council of Education, the local media and the Educational Fair in Kielce. By introducing a foreign school apprenticeship ZSE would like to differentiate our offer training, presenting itself as a modern school open to the world. Through this project, the ZSE will strengthen cooperation with foreign training centers and will promote good practices in Europe. Cooperation with reputable centers will also improve the reputation and prestige of our institution, and thus increase interest in school prospective students.
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