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Zagraniczne staże uczniów Zespołu Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego im. Krzysztofa Kluka w Rudce
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will include two four-week training trips, which will be attended by two groups of students from Polish - a total of 36 students and 4 accompanying persons - group leaders, held job shadowing, due to the theme of the project and the ability to compare vocational training in the two countries and to strengthen European cooperation in education and training. Duration of the internship in companies will be 3 weeks. The participants of the project - the trainees will be students of the School of Agricultural Training Centre in the specialty technician Rudce Nutrition and Catering Services and Technology and Agribusiness and 4 accompanying persons - caregivers trainees. Main OBJECTIVES: - Raising the level of key competencies and skills through learning mobility and cooperation between the worlds of education and work, - Improving the quality, innovation and internationalization of educational institutions, - Modernization of education systems through the exchange of good practices and outcomes and use of European tools to facilitate the recognition and transfer of qualifications, - The development of the international dimension of education and training, in particular through the cooperation of institutions of the countries participating in the program with the institution of the program partner countries in vocational education and training, - Teaching and learning foreign languages. The project will contribute to improving the quality and to increase the volume of regional mobility of people participating in the training stage. With the completion of internship training in enterprises, the project participants will gain first professional experience, expand their knowledge and professional skills necessary for employees working in their specialties modern companies. Foreign practice will also help to extend the competences in the field of tourism, catering, economics and other professional skills of students, enriching them with the use of new computer programs, and also to check the possibility of applying their knowledge and skills. The acquisition of this knowledge is proven by the participants of the Europass Mobility document. Participation in an internship will give opportunity to test existing linguistic competence in operating conditions and everyday life in a foreign country. Thanks odbytym apprenticeship classes, students will broaden the knowledge of English industry and learn the basics of the Spanish language. In addition, increased language skills will affect the mobility and creativity trainees next job search. The applicant institution will raise the prestige and the opinion of its educational establishment - both among current students and their parents / guardians, and among the candidates for the school. Thanks to the Blessed One project will increase the attractiveness of its potential schools for students who can count on the participation in similar projects in the future internship. Also, local education authorities and local government through the implementation of the mobility of seniority abroad confirm the potential and possibilities of the school and the ability to self-create events reinforcing its educational potential. Also, teachers, thanks to the functions to carers, will have the opportunity to get acquainted with other new ways of teaching them and work organization. In the long term, this will result in increasing the quality offered by the school vocational training. Spanish partner of the project - thanks to the joint project will gain new experience of international cooperation with the school to teach in the specialty techniques tourist services, raise its prestige, will therefore be better known in Poland, and can count on new partners mobility projects attracted an example of the successful implementation of the project.
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