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Zagraniczne staże uczniów bielskiego Tuwima szansą na profesjonalną przyszłość w zintegrowanej Europie.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: "International internships of the Julian Tuwim Schools Centre in Bielsko-Biała students as a considerable opportunity for professional future in integrated Europe" is prepared by Zespół Szkół im. J. Tuwima w Bielsku-Bialej, which educates students in the profession of hotelier and tourism technician. The participants of the project are the students of the second and third year ( all the students are over 18 years old) of the College who will held their professional apprenticeship at our project partners:: the college in UK (Grantham), hotels in Spain (Barcelona), hotels in Italy (Rome) and the vocational school in Austria (Zwetll). The purpose of the project constitutes practical trial of the professional knowledge that was gained during school studies, acquisition of new abilities in the scope of new techniques and work approaches for hotels and tourism centres. Sustainable development of our region requires better and more developed work methods, particularly for the sectors of specific developing character as, for instance, creation of modern hotel and tourism base. It also makes considerable possibilities to perfect knowledge of the branch foreign language (English, German, Italian or Spanish), application of modern reservation systems, new approaches to proposals of a guest's free time organization, use of given facilities, quality certification processes investigation in the hotel industry (ISO and HACCP)and to know many different aspects of hotel activities in European Union. Project will be launched in 2015-2017. The Partners committed themselves to host and take care of some multi-personal groups of beneficiaries in subsequent months of the project implementation, since September 2015 till June 2017. We plan to send 62 beneficiaries for five weeks lasting internships, 2x10 persons to the partner in UK (Grantham), and 2 x 6 persons to Austria (Zwettl), 10 persons to Italy (Rome) and 2 x 10 persons to Spain. This partnership is multi-institutional, because all the institutions that take part in the project are strictly co-operating with the hotels of the highest standards or possess such hotels, where the practical trainings and internships are organized for both kinds of students: local ones and beneficiaries of the previous and current project. The main part of the internship will follow cultural, behavioral and professional linguistic training. For the participants will be also organized a sign language course. Beneficiaries attend the training under our school guardian - who is a teacher of our school. 7 guardians are included in this project: 2 for UK, 2 in Spain, 1 for Italy and 2 for Austria, one guardian takes care of one visiting group. Due to specific working conditions in the hotel and tourism industry and restrictions referring to the quantity of the beneficiaries holding simultaneously internship in the hotel, the groups leaving for particular partners will include 6 to 10 persons each. Permanent development of hotel and tourism services is connected with the requirement to shape practical abilities on the highest level. The states where our partners are headquartered the mentioned services are considerably developed. It means that the beneficiaries will gain opportunity to improve and upgrade their skills in the framework of the abilities that are currently more and more searched on the labour market in connection with upgrading knowledge of professional English, German, Italian and Spanish. Meaningful aspect of the practice constitutes knowledge of new manners and rules of rendering hotel and tourism services in European Union, developing abilities to apply new reservation systems, creation different possibilities and ways of client’s free time animation, perfection of professional expressions in foreign languages. The above profits will meaningfully increase professional chances on the labour market. We will prepare numerous, various forms of the project results wide spread. They will cover, among others, multi-media presentations, which are directed to the employers who created the project together with the project co-ordinators. Some of these events will shape the form of the “Mini Labour Possibilities Fair”. In the scope of this event the beneficiaries obtain opportunity to present their skills, professional knowledge and gained experience to future possible employers. Information referring the project will be also published on the college’s, town’s and partners’ website, as well as in local press and professional( trade) magazines. All participants will be awarded with relevant certificates, including “Europass Mobility” document. It is anticipated that we will certify the results of the project in the framework of the ECVET system. The evaluations will be performed in relation to each group of the participants who will take part in the project, as well in relation to all participants of the entire project.
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4 Partners Participants