European Projects
Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe szansą na zbudowanie..
Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe szansą na zbudowanie kariery zawodowej na europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
The project ‘Foreign Work Placement as an Opportunity to Develop Professional Career on the European Job Market’ is carried out in view of professional development in Nikolas Copernicus Group of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology in Poznan. The main goals of the project are concurrent with the school European Development Plan, which was created on the basis of ‘Europe 2020’development strategy. The goals are based on developing key competences and specific professional competences of the students of Nikolas Copernicus Group of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology. Moreover, they aim at promoting foreign language learning and emphasize the need for active learning and becoming familiar with European educational values due to a greater mobility of the students. The main objective of the project is to create numerous possibilities for acquiring professional and linguistic skills in foreign companies and educational institutions and enabling students to continue their education or starting work on the international job market . It is done by implementing European transparency tools, Europass Mobility and a system of transfer, recognition and accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes in vocational education and training ECVET. Specific aims of the project are: developing and mastering students’ professional competence in such professions as IT technician, electronical technician, information and communication technology technician and photo technician; improving linguistic competence in German and Spanish by total immersion in the languages, which will enable appropriate functioning on the international job and educational markets; developing interpersonal skills related to group work, boosting self-esteem and self-development awareness; encouraging tolerance towards other cultures and the ability to work in unfamiliar environments; developing technical skills, such as implementing TIK into the learning process, promoting entrepreneurship and recognizing the rules governing the European job market. Project participants are students of the third grade of the Technical School in such professions as IT technician, electronical technician, information and communication technology technician and photo technician. A group is made up of 168 students, aged 17-18, male and female and 16 guardians. About 40% of the students are not Poznan residents, they come from small towns and villages. Project activities comprise the part related to the project management and fulfilling appropriate mobility. Project management was divided into six parts and consists of six activities: I. Initiating international cooperation, creating a project team and preparing the project, II. Preparing required project documents, III. Monitoring the recruitment process and all stages of the project, IV. Monitoring and coordinating activities in the field of mobility and project financial settlements, V. Campaigns promulgating project results, VI. Evaluating the project . Methodology used during the project implementation comprises the initial analysis, evaluation of the problems and needs, school and international panel discussions and exchanging information (regular meetings, Skype sessions, electronic mail, videoconferences), diagnostic and proficiency tests, questionnaires, constant monitoring of project implementation and of foreign internships (coordinator, tutors, mentors), European transparency tools, Europass and ECVET used to validate learning results and evaluation. The expected results of the project are first and foremost improving practical competence of Nikolas Copernicus Group of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology students in their respective fields of education, which will result in better practical exam results and will create the opportunity for further educational and professional career. The next result is mastering linguistic competence and boosting interpersonal and technical skills. Due to foreign internships, students will increase their chances of participating in the next stages of international education and job market . All institutions involved in the project will be able to fulfill their main function more effectively due to exchanging opinions and experience, making the institutions widely recognized, not only on the local market, promoting European education and making the educational and job markets more international. The results of the project will favourably affect students’ motivation and will motivate workers of partner institutions and of local, regional, national and European backgrounds to continue self- development and encourage them to start learning or working on a contemporary educational-economic market, the basis for which are European values.