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Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe - nowe perspektywy dla uczniów technikum.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project applicant is The Complex of Schools nr 2 in Ostrzeszów. Partners in the project are: BTZ – Rohr – Kloster ( Germany), Enso group ( The United Kingdom), The Language In Group ( Language in Totnes - branch of the company) - The United Kingdom. According to the project 24 students (students of nutrition and catering services, landscape architecture and renewable energy) will take part , in job training. The overall time frame of the project is 12 months, whereas each particular job training visit takes 2 weeks and will be carried out as a school practice according to the program of apprenticeships agreed with the partners. The project main objective is to carry out abroad, 10 days long school practice, to improve quality of education and to transfer innovations in vocational education for students of the Complex of Schools Nr 2 in Ostrzeszów, by developing new vocational skills, language and culture competencies. The project objective is to familiarize the participants with the following items: new developments in technology, quality standards, work regulations and standard; workshop safety, research facilities, as well as Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. Furthermore, thanks to the participation in the project the students will improve their professional knowledge and develop their practical skills, which, as a result, will increase their work competiveness. The participants will get a chance to develop their language competencies, with a focus on work related vocabulary, which will help them to pass vocational qualification exams in the future. The partners training centers in Rohr, Totnes and Torquay possess excellent training facilities and equipment as well as experienced staff necessary for organizing the job training exchange and carrying out the project objectives. Partners ensure methodological supervision and training, accommodation arrangements as well as organization and coordination of cultural component experience.

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3 Partners Participants