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Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe drogą na europejski rynek pracy
Start date: Nov 2, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project concerns the realization of a 4-week foreign vocational training (in 2015) of 76 pupils of the technical school from the Agricultural Schools Complex in Namyslow. From 20th April to 15th May three groups will be taking part in their training: 16 students of the technical vocational school in the profession of a photo technician in photographic enterprises in Plymouth in Great Britain, 16 students of the technical vocational school of the landscape architecture in gardens and enterprises of ornamental plants in Rome and 16 students of the hotel technical vocational school in hotels in Rimini in Italy. What is more, from 24th August to 19th September 2015, 28 students of the technical vocational school of nutrition and catering services will be having their training in restaurants in south Hessia. The host organisations are: Tellus from Plymouth and their branch in Rome, Sistema Turismo in Rimini and Regionalbauernverband Starkenburg e.V. in Darmstadt in Germany. The main goals of the project are the following: the development of both skills and professional knowledge of the students, the increase in the ability of the students’ verbal communication in foreign languages as well as their personal development (increase in responsibility, self-reliance, dealing with in difficult conditions). The project plays vital role for the teaching and the professional and career development of the technicians, since it provides them with new abilities, the knowledge and professional competence, as well as it increases their mobility on the labour market and their chances of the employment. A good training enables future graduates to prepare better to work, improves the European dimension in the vocational training and encourages students to acquire an experience in combining the theory and practice, to get to know foreign cultures and customs, as well as to develop their language skills, especially with the use of the technical language in particular profession. The project is largely contributing to the mobility and personal development of the participants, as it enables them to meet the culture of other countries, to increase their ability of existing amongst strangers, to make new friends, to deal with the difficult situations, to increase their ambition and self-esteem. As a result of the combination of work and education, the project is enhancing the chances of future employment of the graduates on the European market of services. The project is promoting clarity and recognition of professional qualifications in Europe based on the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET ). The students will be supervised by the teachers from Agricultural Schools Complex and the representatives of partner organizations, as well as the supervisors in individual enterprises. The curriculum follows the core curriculum for each of the professions. The curriculum for Photography Technicians includes skills associated with processing the performance of graphic images and multimedia projects. The Hotel Service Technicians will be responsible for guest service in hotels. The technicians of Landscape Architecture are going to master the skills of growing ornamental plants, garden care and landscaping. Furthermore, the technicians of Nutrition are going to master the skills of food preparation and customer service. An additional outcome of the project is to increase students' skills in communicating in English, German and Italian, their knowledge of the Italian, English and German culture, as well as to acquire the independence and responsibility. Prior to the departure, the students will be provided with educational, cultural and linguistic preparation. After completing their training, the students will receive the certificates confirming the acquisition of new competences and the Europass Mobility documents. The project interacts on students in the vocational education and contributes to the development of the industry in which future graduates will find employment. Long term benefits are primarily the students’ acquisition of a new job experience, which should facilitate the recruitment and transfer of the established solutions to Poland and the region, the development of the school and its international partners cooperation in the field of vocational education and training and the increase of the attractiveness of the school. The use of the acquired skills in further education and future career will contribute to ensure the sustainability of the project results. The results will be disseminated in the school, the local community and region by means of the Internet, newspapers and meetings with the representatives of other schools, institutions and employers.

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