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Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe dla uczniów szansą na zdobycie nowych umiejętności i kompetencji
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled “International Vocational Training as a great chance to upgrade skills and personal competences”. The project is organized by Zespol Szkol in Iwonicz as a leader of the project and Infinity Business College in Dublin, Ireland as a hosting organization. This project is aimed at 15 students of the following vocational faculties: landscaping, catering and food processes, farm mechanics, car mechanics. All of the students are to undertake four week internships in landscaping companies (maintain, planting plants), pubs, hotels, catering companies, garages in Dublin, Ireland. All internships will be tailored made for the students who seek professional development abroad. Moreover, the project will allow greater EU mobility for the participants , enable to activate acquired skills and language competencies. All participants in the project will be granted a mobility Europass, which can help the students to increase the chances for employment in the region of Podkarpacie. One of the most important elements of the project will be raising the cultural awareness, activating English language and adjusting to working conditions in a different European state. The project will last twelve months and the internships will take place in the months of June, July and August 2016. The final outcomes of the project will include: acquiring the key job related competences in a foreign country (including team work, ability to reach compromise, communication skills, time management, keeping to deadlines, flexibility, taking own initiative and improving language skills). The project will start a continuous cooperation between two educational organisations i.e Zespol Szkol in Iwonicz and IBC Dublin in the field of vocational internships of students and graduates. The project aims at increasing the entry rate in vocational training in Zespol Szkol which will result in the future in higher numbers of skilled, well trained graduates ready to undertake jobs not only in the region, but the whole Poland and Europe.

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