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Zagraniczna praktyka zawodowa rozwija umiejętności i zwiększa konkurencyjność na krajowym i europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project entitled "Foreign professional practice develops skills and improves competitiveness on the national and European labour market" was addressed to male and female students of the third grade of the technical college of the Complex of Vocational and Grammar Schools in Sułkowice in the following professions : nutrition and food service technician, hotel management technician, mechatronics technician. The training took place in foreign companies, as the part of a 4-week professional practice based on the curricula of the particular professions. The place of training were restaurants, hotels and industrial plants in the UK in Plymouth. Tellus Group in Plymouth was the intermediary institution in organizing the training. The term of the training was from 5 April 2015 to 2 May 2015. Project objectives were: • gaining the experience in an international, multicultural environment by Project participants • acquisition of skills , enhancing the competitiveness of the participants at the national and European labour market • improvement of language skills in English • developing students' creativity and mobility , allowing them to move freely in the modern labour market • developing interpersonal communication skills and teamwork • broadening the knowledge about the culture and customs of the UK Nutrition and food service technician and hotel management technician are occupations closely cooperating and the contents of their curricula are complementary . Students had already got the basic theoretical knowledge in the field of vocational subjects , that was strengthened and verified during the practical classes . The project re- verified and expanded their knowledge and skills in a new environment . Mechatronics technician is a profession of the interdisciplinary characteristic of knowledge related to mechatronics . Realization of the training allowed mechatronics group to expand the ability to use an advanced knowledge of mechatronics , used in machines and vehicles , equipment and systems , in the design , manufacture and operation of machines and manufacturing systems , management and expansion of production in industrial enterprises and technological processes . There were 30 students taking part in practice and 2 teachers. The project dinclude the following activities : - recruitment of participants - preparation of pedagogical and cultural- linguistic side - organization of travel and insurance (civil liability , accident , EHIC) - finding the training places for participants according to their field of study , - organization of accommodation, meals and local transport in Plymouth, - support and professional assistance in the course of practice - evaluation and popularization of project results Students selected on the basis of "Recruitment Rules" before the departure from Poland took advantage from the obligatory language support in the form of the assessment of the level of language skills and the implementation of language courses online . Participation in the preparation in the field of educational , cultural and linguistic aspects was mandatory of about 50 hours per person , carried out by experienced trainers . British Council Institute in Cracow was our supporting partner in the activities . The school provided the organization of classes, travel to and from the airport in Poland , travel and training insurance . Tellus Group prepared a training place, accommodation and board at the host families . It was also responsible for monitoring students at the workplace, and passing modules needed to gain qualifications APT Award. The documents Europass Mobility were prepared together. Evaluation of the project was carried out during and after completion of the project, and the school organized activities promoting the results. Expected results assumed the acquisition of work experience in an international, multicultural work environment , skills that increase the mobility of participants , improvement of language skills in English, interpersonal communication and teamwork , broadening knowledge of the culture and customs of the partner country (England ), obtaining certificates confirming qualifications ( Europass Mobility, APT Award ) . Experience in the implementation of previous projects indicated that these effects influence our younger students in a direct way , increasing their motivation to study vocational subjects and a foreign language , interest in practical classes . It also made our school interesting and attractive for middle school students , their parents and local employers . Potential long-term benefits : professional and personal development, improvement of language skills of participants increased their competitiveness in the labour market , their mobility which resulted in lower unemployment problem the attractiveness of vocational education was increased the prestige of the school in the local community was strenghtened.

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