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Zagraniczna mobilność drogą do podniesienia kompetencji zawodowych nauczycieli
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

High quality pre-school education and early school is crucial for for good preparation of for further education. Early identify of children’s talents is very important. The main aim of the project “Foreign mobility way to improve teachers' professional competence” is to improve the quality of school by improving a workplace of teachers, teaching skills and organizational work with talented students. The project will be attended by 15 teachers- preschool teachers, early school teachers, English teachers and school managers. Teachers who participate The project will improve their workshop with new organizational, teaching resources, evaluation tools, inspiration and motivation to develop language skills. The project involves an intensive linguistic – cultural English lessons for teachers and school managers. The main aim of the language lessons will be to develop listening, speaking and communication skills and learn about culture and customs of the countries which teacher will be visit. The increase in language skills of preschool and early learning teachers makes them able to use the English to find teaching resources (websites, publications available online, computer programs). We plan three foreign mobilities in the field of psychology and early identifying of childrens’ talents. The first seminary "Identify the hidden talent in your classroom" is planned in February 2017 in Italy. This unique programme aims to teach the participants to identify strengths and abilities of a pupil/youth that can go undetected in the formal educational environment. During this course participants will cover a range of teaching ideas and activities such as learner styles and multiple intelligences, using multimedia and modern technology to enliven lessons, motivate and encourage students to explore their talents and self- improvement. The second t seminary is "Emotional intelligence" scheduled for May 2017 in Spain. The seminar gives opportunity to the teachers to enhance the understanding of emotional intelligence and how to apply that understanding in a teaching role in informal environments, and helping others to manage change and deal with stress. The third training "Understand yourself, understand your learners (Enneagram), scheduled for August 2017 year in Cyprus. The seminar is based on personality typology called Enneagram. The system describes 9 basic personality types with their specific motivations, values, strong points and challenges. The aim of the seminar is to introduce Enneagram and enable the participants to apply the model in educational setting. The project will improve the quality of education by giving it international status and opening the possibility of raising qualifications abroad. The project will obligate teachers to share their knowledge and experience with other teachers who works in primary schools community of Strawczyn by creating and put into practice an innovative program for teachers. Project will increase professional skills of the teachers. The project is to overpower professional burnout by giving innovative ideas and approaches to work with the talented student.

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