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Zaangażowanie lokalnego biznesu i społeczności lokalnej w efektywne kształcenie zawodowe – zagraniczna praktyka obserwacyjna nauczycieli ZSHE.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: "Involvement of local business and the local community in an effective vocational training - Foreign practice observation of ZSHE teachers” – was implemented within the project: "Foreign internships for students and graduates of vocational schools and teachers training of vocational education" from the Operational Programme "Knowledge, Education, Development, "on the principles of the Erasums +Program -sector" Education and Vocational Training "funded by the European Social Fund. The aim of the project was the implementation in the school year 2014/2015 foreign observation practice by teachers and management and the adaptation and implementation of effective solutions used by the partner school, leading to increased efficiency of vocational training in ZSHE. The project participants were teachers of vocational subjects and teachers of management department( also vocational teachers) - 8 people. These people were motivated to acquire new experiences and improve the quality of their work through participation in various forms of training and gaining experience. They represented all professions in which students are thought such as economy, trade and hotel departments. The main activity of the project was the organization and realization of the foreign practice observation of ZSHE teachers in Istituto Technico Commerciale Statale G. Boccardi in Termoli, Italy. Teachers had the opportunity to:  exchange experiences,  learn about the solutions used in vocational schools in Termoli in the process of including local governments, professional organizations, local employers, organizations / institutions responsible for the promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment, and students' parents, in the vocational education  observe the student and the teacher (entrepreneur) in the real teaching situation,  confront the situation in ZSHE with the systems of teaching in Italian schools and learn about good practices of these schools,  become acquainted with the organization of practical training - including the observation of practical activities (apprenticeships), implemented by employers and in schools,  analyze forms of promotion of vocational education implemented at school level and local level and the actions taken by the school to improve students' motivation to engage fully in the process of acquiring skills and professional competence. The achieved results of the project affect both teachers and school and bring long-term benefits:  establishment of new and expansion of existing forms of international cooperation ZSHE with other schools in Europe and use them to improve the quality of vocational training,  extend the scope of inclusion the employers in the process of vocational education and industry environment (including employers in the process of developing mandatory and additional programs and practices but also work placements,  take action by the school to improve students' motivation to systematical attendance in compulsory and additional lessons and to fully engage in the process of acquiring skills and professional competence,  matching educational school offer to constant changing conditions of the local labor market (greater attention to foreign languages training, teaching methods, the internationalization of schools, etc.  putting more emphasis on practical training, e.g. organizing additional practices and professional internships and encouraging students to work in the summer,  increasing interest in vocational education in ZSHE,  creating conditions for more efficient use of teaching aids, equipment, devices and software for specific professions in the vocational training,  using the known forms of e-learning and other online tools for teaching vocational subjects, and for the teacher-student contact. The acquired knowledge and experience resulted in obtaining skills in organizing and implementing into school practice solutions to improve the quality of education ZSHE, thereby strengthening the professional competence of teachers. Participants involved in the project gained an attitude of openness and doing activities and development of key competences such as:  communication in the mother and foreign languages (English and Italian basic vocabulary),  IT competence, including ability to use IT tools in communication and in teaching,  the ability to learn (e.g. analyzing and absorbing new information and management, the ability of critical thinking and application of knowledge and skills),  social and civic competences (e.g. the ability to work in an international group),  initiative and entrepreneurship (e.g. the desire to change, taking responsibility for their actions and skillful goal setting, ability to organize and implement corrective actions),  awareness and cultural expression (e.g. to open to other cultures, increase knowledge about other countries mobility).

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