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Za zkušenostmi k sousedům - Stáže žáků a učitelů Střední průmyslové školy dopravní, a.s. v dopravních podnicích EU
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 'Za zkušenostmi k sousedům - Stáže žáků a učitelů Střední průmyslové školy dopravní, a.s. v dopravních podnicích EU' is based on long-term cooperation with our strategic partner DVB AG Dreden. It builds on previous projects and responds to the needs of the school and its founder The Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. (DPP). Now it is also focused on vocational subjects teachers training. The basic objectives of the project are to enable the students to gain experience in a real working environment abroad, to familiarize them with new technological procedures and innovation, which the school and the Prague Public Transit Co. do not have to extend and consolidate their language skills, enabling them to get a sense of confidence and independence. The project aims to influence and motivate the students to complete their study and prevent their premature departures. The teachers get more knowledge and experience to improve the teaching of vocational subjects and vocational training, to bring its contents to practical use. The school verifies the use of the ECVET system and the work with units of learning outcomes at the international level. In the project we introduce the principles of the ECVET system to the German partner. In the project we will organize three activities, two of them will be two-weeks pupil internships (October 2015 and 2016) and one one-week internship for the teachers (May/June 2016). The students will be chosen from the 2nd and 3rd grades of Autotronics (four-year graduation courses), Car-mechanic and Electrician (three-year courses with vocational certificate). In the previous project the choice of pupils across different study programmes was very successful, so this procedure will also apply in this proposed one. Each internship will be participating by seven pupils from the above fields, from a total of 14 participants will be 7 apprentices. To meet the objectives of the project we will chose the subject committees of automobile and electronics subjects, the leading training teacher and a training teacher who is dedicated to preparing students for graduation and final exams. The pupils throughout the project experience different workplaces in DVB AG, acquire new procedures for maintenance of vehicles, including hybrid buses, deepen their knowledge in the field of electrical and electronic equipment, will diagnose and troubleshoot motors, build pneumatic systems, and so on. The first two activities are the subject of units of learning outcomes. The teachers will observe theoretical and practical lessons, participate in various seminars and workshops, which will be prepared for them. They will be focused on the dual model of education, closer links between theory and practice, curriculum content, the use of modern technology in teaching vocational subjects, and so on. The legal responsibility for the course of the project has the head of the school, the responsibility for organizing the project has the coordinator, who cooperates with the school management, teachers of vocational subjects and vocational training, classroom teachers and educational consultant. Sending and receiving institutions have different roles, the sending institution provides to the participants cultural, vocational and language training, transportation to the place of internship, insurance, accompanying persons, host organization provides appropriate working conditions, qualified mentors, accommodation, meals, local transportation. At the end of each internship will be its evaluation and verification of learning outcomes in the presence of leadership of both schools. The dissemination of the project results will take place at the school and the founder lever, at the Association of Private Schools, the project partners of POSPOLU, NUV and at various events, which the school regularly attends (Schola Pragensis, Czech-Saxon seminars). At the end of the project period there will be meeting for the final project evaluation and the use of ECVET. We expect that the project will improve the professional, communication and social skills of the participants. The pupils will be motivated to complete their study, gained international experience provide them better position to seek employment, to file the applications in the motivating and training programme of the DPP, some will consider further study. The Europass Mobility certificate with a personal record demonstrates knowledge and skills beyond the normal scope, demonstrates interest in the field. The teachers apply new knowledge in their teaching, they focus on increased use of modern technologies and new methodological approaches, they could affect the planned work for school learning programmes to improve the quality of vocational subjects teaching and vocational training. The most significant impact on both the participating organizations, we see in the verification ECVET principles at the international level and their acceptance by the German partner.

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