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Za zkušenostmi a dovednostmi do Evropské unie II
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Gaining Experience and Skills in EU II" was realized in four runs. We cooperated with two partners from Germany and one from the UK. Due to very good experience from previous projects our partners were Kreishandwerkerschaft Oderland from Frankfurt (O) and Berufvsförgerungswerk E.V. des Bauindustrie verbandes Berlin - Brandenburg. The former organization is a representative of craft guilds. It is a voluntary organization uniting associations, representatives of larger firms, craft businesses and entrepreneurs. The latter mentioned organization is an umbrella organization of educational centers of the construction industry of Berlin and Brandenburg. The cooperation with the British organization Europa Training (UK) Ltd started in January 2012. In November 2014, the study branches suitable for this project were discussed with all partners. Also the content, the dates, the length and the programme of internships were discussed and planned. The first placement of seven students of the three-year branches of Joiner and Carpenter was realized in October 2015 at the educational center UAZ Frankfurt (O). The topic was decoration of wood. The students, together with the German apprentices from the training center, got familiar with and learned how to implement new technologies and materials used in their branch. As some of the students were not 18+ at the time of the stay, the group were supervised and monitored by a teacher from SŠ SSaD during the whole stay. The teacher also organized free-time activities for the students. During the second run in Germany which was realized in February - March 2016, seven students of three-year branches of Carpenter, Plumber, Electrician and Machine Mechanic were individually attached to companies (members of the Chamber of Crafts) according to their profession and worked there undar the supervision of an experienced worker. This resulted in students´ learning to communicate in a foreign language (especially in the field of technical terminology) and improving their professional competence. During the whole stay the group were supervised and monitored by a teacher from SŠ SSaD. The teacher was also responsible for organizing students´ free-time activities. With the partner from Plymouth (UK) two runs were realized. The first one in November 2015 when seven students of four-year technical branch of studies Technical Equipment of Buildings were placed in businesses in Plymouth for three weeks and accomplished tasks related to their branch of study. They learned about and acquired the processes, technologies and the culture of work in the conditions of a developed European economy, improved their ability to communicate in English, especially in the field of professional terminology, and learned about the socio-cultural background of UK. The members of the staff of the intermediary organization provided the students organizational help and they monitored the stay. They regularly contacted the employers and host families and hold meetings with the students. The students were supported by the accompanying teacher on their journey to Plymouth and back and during the first days of the stay. The second run to Plymouth was realized in May 2016 for twelvee students of the four-year study branches Transport operation and transport economy, Auto-electrician, Mechanic - tool setter and Mechanic of installations in buildings. The participants spent three weeks working with businesses acording to their branches and learned about their activities, deepened their knowledge and skills in their field of study, learned about the culture of work in terms of an advanced European economy, improved their ability to communicate in English, especially in the field of technical terminology and got familiar with the socio-cultural environment of Great Britain. During the internship they were in contact with the personnel of the intermediary organization that provided students with organizational assistance and monitored the internship. The students were accompanied by a theacher from SŠSSaD on their journey to Plymouth and back who monitored the first and the last days of their visit. Also the participants of stays in Great Britain worked under the supervision of an experienced worker.
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3 Partners Participants