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Za technikou do Európskej únie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Secondary Technical School of Information Technologies works as a Centre of Vocational Training and preparing for electrical engineering and IT. To improve our technical vocational preparing we have choosen the partners in the Czech Republic, that teach similar studies and vocational branches and could contribute to improving of educational process and increasing the interest for the electric fields. In the school year 2015/2016 our school realised this project with our partner Secondary Vocational School of Electrical Engineering, Vocational Training Centre (SOŠE,COP) Hluboká upon Vltava and The Secondary school of tele-informatics Ostrava-Poruba. In the project were engaged students from both the second and the third class of the courses mechanic of computer networks, technician for information and communication technologies. We involved 13 students and 2 accompanying persons in the project. The students were divided in two groups. Each school was visited by one group of students. We also planed an inspection of 2 pedagogical employees (4 together) which teach technical subjects in our school. Following the earlier consultations with the partner organization we arranged in advance with our partner schools the work which the participants performed during the study visit and we suggested the leisure activities too.SOŠE, COP Hluboká upon Vltava provided the education for our students in this areas: electrical installations, programming, security technology, digital and microprocessor technology. We planed to include into the programme study visit some special excursions, e.g. nuclear power station Temelín, Technical museum and others. In The Secondary school teleinformatics Ostrava-Poruba the students acquired and intensify the knowledge from areas: computer network, IP phones, optical fibre network, electronics, business panel, programming, computer graphics. The observance was required for technological procedures and the codes of behaviour BOZP during the working hours. The special excursions were guaranteed in each of our partner organizations, too. The students tried to work in a foreign surroundings, got acquainted with the new appliances, verified their abilities to adapt to the new working conditions, they also gained new skills, established new contacts and got the information about the background and region in which the partner school is located. Many students from our school did not have another possibilities to gain experienced as just by way of implementation in this project. The pedagogical employees were also visited by the partner schools besides the possibility of the mutual exchange of special and pedagogical experience and also gained new practical skills and motivations how to improve their work and workplace, which is a profit for other students and employees, too. The goal of this project was widening and obtaining new knowledge and gaining the skills in a foreign surroundings, acquainting with other technological orders which the participants were used to. From the point of view this inspecting was for gaining new information, professional and pedagogical practice. Each of the students up to now completed exchanges with the programs with lifelong education or exchanged practise as it was the motivation for the employees how to improve their workplace or to integrate new things for the school educational program. Our main goals was to improve the secondary technical education, to have an interesting school educational program, motivation for our students to achieve as good as possible results, to arouse their interest in new things and later on after the graduation to look for employment in branches that they have been prepared for during their studies. Reaching these aims we have a better chance to gain the persons interested in study at our school and keep its good name and the position in nowadays competition among the schools as well as practically refer to the necessity of the lifelong education.
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2 Partners Participants