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Z mobilnostjo dvigujemo digitalne kompetence
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our schoolˈs vision is in upbringing and educating for life. Our teachers and learners' goal is to develop eight key competences of lifelong learning. For the past few years we have focused on activities that would equip teachers and learners with knowledge of digital competences (later in the text D.C.). With the development of information and communication technologies, we acquired new possibilities for learning and teaching, and thous providing even more effective ways of obtaining new knowledge and competences, especially in the field of e-inclusion. We put that on top of our organization's priorities. For this purpose, we have established an e-development team that takes care of our school's technological progress and realization of primary tasks. In recent years, we modernized school in terms of technology. In addition, we started using digital documents and established electronic (online) staffroom and classrooms. Our aim is to use the latest, most advanced technologies through the process of education. In cooperation with the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, we carried out a self-assessment of our teachers' D.C. In doing so, we used a tool that was created in the project DIGCOMP. The results showed that we are still a bit green in this field. With introduction of modern teaching approaches into educational process, a need for increasing the level of teachers' D.C. occurred. We are well aware that only a highly trained professional staff can offer students the methods and forms of work that represent the challenges of modern times.We assembled a team of ten highly motivated professionals who are ready to accept the challenges in daily work. We want to acquire knowledge in the field of the use of ICT, internet and other tools and methods of implementing the learning process which develops D.C. of children and teachers. This knowledge can be obtained with the active participation in well organized courses. When reviewing the service providers in the EU, the most appropriate course has been found in Spain. The rise of D.C. of our teachers is not our only goal. Even more challenging is the implementation of such contents in the educational process, from planning to execution. We would also like to experience this through good practice examples in Norway, since this country is one of the leading European countries in ICILS rankings, and a country that has been successfully implementing these practices. Therefore, we would have a great opportunity to monitor how acquired knowledge, experience and skills of an organized, well structured course are used in practice. In addition we would like to become familiar with all the steps, from planning, preparation, execution, monitoring and evaluation. We would also like to investigate whether the knowledge acquired this way is more solid and permanent. In practice, we're going to achieve this with well planned activities that would involve the entire team, including teachers from various areas of expertise: early-years teachers, English, Geography, History, Science, Maths, Chemistry, Household, Sports, Computer science, special and rehabilitation social pedagogue, educator, computer scientist - an organizer of information activities and the principal. This way we can monitor and transmit knowledge in all fields of expertise.On the basis of experience, we will update our annual and hourly lesson plans that will contain a record of implementing contents for the purposes of developing D.C. in learners and teachers. We are going to prepare a model of these documentations and implement it in practice. The model will contain a set of all 21 D.C. Teacher will select the D.C. that will be developed through his teaching process. These models will be permanently embedded in our teaching process. This way we will form a model of systematic entering of D.C. in the educational process and to present it at the national level.Our emphasis will be on extending knowledge in our organization. Examples of good practices will be presented to teachers by team members. We expect that after established concept our co-workers will be able to perform lessons that will comprise planning-to-execution process. In addition, a teacher will be required to raise his knowledge in D.C. The progress will be measured by repeated self-assessment of D.C. which had already been executed before planned activities. This form of monitoring the progress will be included as a continuous monitoring of developing D.C. of our teachers. We wish and hope that freshly gained knowledge become a permanent feature of our work, and even improve over time.Acquired knowledge, experience and examples of good practices will be presented to advisors of the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, to representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, to colleagues on study meetings, to students of suitable faculties and to wider groups of experts in this field.

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