Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By cooperating in this project, EGSŠ Radovljica, as an educational institution, would like to open outwards and approach the objectives of the European education policy. Our aim is to adjust the school's development priorities and through direct contact between working practice providers and its users integrate the newly acquired experience and knowledge in the school curriculum. By sending students and their escorts on a practical training to foreign partners we wish to gain an insight into the requirements and expectations of the labour market in accordance with the programmes we run at our school. Our school will become recognizable in the field of education in the wider European environment and students more competitive in the labor market. We expect our students to perform concrete tasks and to manufacture real quality products during their working practice time and thus gain an insight into the demands and market expectations with the purpose of becoming familiar with international standards. By enabling the mobility of students we would like them to experience new business trends leading to effective work planning, organizational approaches, technical implementation and what is more, we wish them to recognize the right solutions demanded by the European market. Students will be able to implement the acquired knowledge and skills to upgrade their demands and expectations to become self-reliant, responsible as well as confident in the development and implementation of creative ideas. Their newly gained experience will be shared with their peers, teachers, parents and social partners in Slovenia.By organizing post-practice activities and student and mentors assignments the school will integrate the key messages and information relevant to the planning and completion of educational content, strategies and methods, and models of integration of theoretical and practical education in school and in cooperation with the social partners. All participants in the project will develop competence inclusion and integration into the European economic, political and cultural environment. We will develop communicative and integrative - intercultural competence and an entrepreneurial approach. This will enable students to acquire the foundations for further life-long and inter-generational learning. All this experience is going to enrich us, broaden our horizons and will enable us to comprehend the functioning of wider european and global community which will contribute to better multicultural dialog and cooperation. With better integration of educational activities within the framework of international institutions, students will gain all the necessary kills for active citizenship and participation in the European institutions. The project will be attended by 45 students. Five of them are being trained in the field of banking and administrative operations and 40 students in the field of printing, graphic and media design, photography, recording, and editing. Students will be accompanied by 5 to 6 teachers. Different pre-activities for students will be organized, such as cultural, orientation and psychological preparations. A meeting for their parents will be held in order to explain the details about the course of the project and the execution of the mobility in the selected location. The students will be accompanied by a mentor – one of the teachers of their professional school subjects. On the basis of the pre-agreed criteria, we will select students and inform them about their participation in the mobility. A contract on cooperation on the mobility will be signed with the students and their parents. A cooperation contract and a learning agreement will be signed with the partner organization. During their practice the students will write a diary. The students will fill in the first ECVET document; the Pre-visit evaluation and the Post-visit evaluation. The analysis of the questionnaires will be made. The partner organization will organize all the logistics matters (transportation, accommodation, meals, transportation by public transport, cultural tours). Students will prepare the presentations for their school-friends, the teachers, the possible future employers and for the public. The participating organizations will stay in contact for further cooperation, since all the partners are interested in long-term cooperation.

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3 Partners Participants