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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is best possible preparation of participants to start work and giving them the chance to enter the labor market. This will be achieved through the implementation of specific objectives: to enable participants to improve professional and language skills and expand their personal competences.Such targets are part of the objectives of the Erasmus + Program: contribute to raise the level of key competencies and skills to match labor market needs; to improve foreign language skills and promote linguistic and cultural diversity in the EU; broaden the international dimension of training and education.The project participants will be students of the Seconrady Technical School and Secondary Vocational Schools, of specializations:economics technician,turism technician,hospitality technician,nutrition and catering services technician,cook,The project participants (72 people), divided into 4 groups will leave for internships in Italy and Portugal. In May 2017, one group will leave for Italy and other one for Portugal. Similar groups will leave for internships in May 2018.Hard results of the project:- Undergoing by the participants cultural preparation and pedagogical preparation;- Undergoing by the participants language courses;- Completing, recquired by school, professional practice;- Receiving by the participants certificates of language course completion;- Receiving by the participants cultural and pedagogical classes completion certificates;- Receiving by the participants an internship certificate, issued by the partner organization;- Receiving by the project participants Europass Mobility documents;Soft results are:- Expansion of qualifications and acquisition of new ones, which increase the participans’ chances on the labor market;- Improving language skills;- Acquisition of ability to work in a multinational team;- Increase of self-esteem;- Increasing motivation for further study;- Learning about the culture and customs of the host country;- Acquisition of new information and communication skills;- Acquisition of new skills to operate machines and equipment;- Increasing professional and personal aspirations;- Increased tolerance for different customs and behaviors;- Increase of duty and discipline;- New networking and interaction skills.Material products of the project are:- Presentation outlining the project;- Collection of photos taken by the participants;- Eventual trainees blogs;- Materials collected during process of project evaluation,Internships will be a great school of participants’ independence, will improve their self-esteem, strengthen confidence, contribute to personal development and working abroad, often in a multinational team, will allow them to know and understand the value of cultural diversity in Europe. Observing these changes in the attitudes and skills of participants should encourage other students from our school to take extra effort to improve and broaden their skills and gain work experience so valued also during education.School officials and foreign partners working in the project will get to know people raised in a different culture, which will contribute to an increase in their sensitivity to intercultural dialogue issues and diversity of customs and behaviors in other European countries.The success of the project will also facilitate cooperation with local employers interested in hiring educated (accordingly to their needs) workers.
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