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Yrkesfag med internasjonal skole- og arbeidspraksis
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lier Upper Secondary School (Lier USS) is a s a vocational school offering programs in the areas of Health and Social Care, Electricity, Business and Administration and Design and Crafts, Customized Tuition/Special Needs and General Studies - level 3. The School is aiming to improve the status of vocational education and has started two new courses of tuition giving a double set of qualifications; the students obtain a Vocational Certificate and at the same time become qualified for higher education by combining theoretical studies and apprenticeships. In these new courses, and within Electricity, the school will contribute to the possibilities for international school- and labor experience. The school management believes that this will improve the status of vocational education and make it more attractive to be a student at Lier USS. Simultaneously, the school has strengthened its cooperation with local businesses and industries in order to educate good workers with formal skills. In the autumn of 2013 we therefore embarked on a major information campaign directed systematically at the local public, commercial and industrial sectors, at Buskerud county department of education, and at the lower secondary schools from which we recruit our students. In addition, we are using public - and social media and our website actively to spread information about the meaning of our courses with international school- and labor experiences and the future opportunities it provides. The main objective of the project is to improve the status of vocational education and make it more attractive to young people. When they have finished their education, they will become attractive to the employees. Lier USS strives to maintain a good reputation, both in the community and, more generally, by working systematically to achieve positive results. Given that we live in a multicultural society and a globalized labor market, we believe it is important for students to get more knowledge and understanding of the fact that they are part of a larger community. We are therefore planning for school- and labor placement for our students in Belgium, Slovaki and Great Britain. A stay abroad with school- and practical labor experience and experience from family and community life, will give our students new perspectives on other cultures and contribute to their personal development. The Project Group consists of nine people: Assistant Principal, two Heads of Department, and six teachers. All have higher education and years of practical work experience. All nine members of the Project Group have good interpersonal skills and ability to work systematically and consciously to secure a high quality outcome for students. 60 students will participate in the program. To ensure student involvement and influence a prefect from each class participate in the Project Group with effect from the autumn 2015. Lier USS has produced a preliminary plan including the project's main milestones. Representatives from the Project Group wil during the first year, which is a year, go abroad to become better acquainted with our partners, and further develop the relationship with them. Through this pilot Project, we will obtain in-depth knowledge of both relevant internships, suitable families and the guidance our students will get during their stay abroad. This is important knowledge to take back to the students and parents to prepare them for what to expect. In order to be selected for international school- and labor placement, and to have an influence on the appropriate type of work they can get, the students have to write and submit an application with CV. In addition, they will be called for an interview. Our partners abroad will also require a copy of the CVs from the students in order to customize the stay in the best possible way. Our school will develop a strategy of communication for "Vocational Education with International School- and Work Experience". We expect that the project will be of great importance both for students and for Lier USS. Students will feel appreciated; they will experience success and be proud of what they have experienced. It will give them a personal growth and be important for their general education. The school is planning to introduce international school- and labor experience for other programs of education and we would like to see that people will consider vocational training with new eyes, and become more attractive to young people. This will result in increased number of applications for vocational programs and thus enhance the status for students and for the community. In the longer term, we hope that these opportunities will reduce dropouts from upper secondary education. With the introduction of "Vocational Education with International School- and Work Experience", we will be in the position to educate young people with formal competences and thereby contribute to meeting our society's need for skilled labour

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