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#YOUTHMENTARY: EVS for Youth Workers
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"#YOUTHMENTARY: EVS for Youth Workers" is a training course realized for youth workers who work and are willing to continue working with the ERASMUS+ Programme Action reserved to the European Voluntary Service. The basic idea of this project was to provide an opportunity for youth workers, SO-HO mentors (and future mentors) from countries other than the EU and the EEA and with diverse backgrounds to meet in Italy and use the opportunity to exchange their experiences, discuss the various positive and negative situations that are created as part of the EVS. This training course aimed therefore to give participants the knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop the work in the EVS with partner countries. In addition, the project aimed at the creation of personal contacts between participants and potential sending organizations and hosting partner for the European Voluntary Service. The proposed activity was carried out through a training course that hosted, from 6th to 13th May 2015 in Nicolosi (Sicily), 36 youth workers coming from Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. "YOUTHMENTARY: EVS for Youth Workers" wanted to be an innovative tool to support and guide the youth workers of the countries involved, in relation to the European Voluntary Service. We provided participants with the tools to generate and increase their culture and technical competences in the project management of international volunteering. And it is for this reason that the training course had an added value when its contents have been applied within the local realities, because the participants, ciers of innovative methods and technologies, can now better inform, guide and support young people interested in participating in a European Voluntary Service abroad. The realized objectives of #YOUTHMENTARY: EVS for Youth Workers are: • To train 36 youth workers and leaders who work with young people with fewer opportunities (socio-economic, educational, cultural, religious, geographical, disability, sexual orientation and of both genders) in orderd to insert them in the context of international volunteering; • provide new tools for youth workers and members of partner organizations on working with the EVS; • Develop the skills of youth workers on the specific working environment of EVS; • to meet and work with people from across Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from each other and build new initiatives for the future; • Increase the visibility of the Erasmus program + and the quality of EVS projects; Moreover, among the abilities and skills that participants will acquire during the course of the project we include: - Skills related to management of the budget ; - Skills related to the economic aspects of EVS ; - Skills related to the contractual aspects of the EVS ; - Skills related to the management of conflict between Hosting Organization And Volunteer ; - Skills related to the management of conflict between Sending Organization and Hosting Organization ; - Skills related to the management of conflict between Sending organization , Hosting Organization and Volunteer; - Skills related to the management of international volunteers , a useful prospective for mentors and future mentors ; - Skills related to the drafting of European volunteer projects ; - Skills related to the legal field of EVS ( documents , insurance, VISA , Youthpass , final report , etc.). - Skills related to the creation and management of Volunteer Activities in the organization hosting ; - Skills related to the insertion of volunteers in the social life of the place of the hosting organization ; - Skills related to the reintegration of the volunteer in the originale social context at the end of the period of voluntary work; - Any other skill related to the implementation and management of a EVS project . The realized impact involved either the partner organization, either their local communities. To have trained new youth workers means, on the one hand, raised the quality of EVS projects across Europe, going to transfer the basic skills of EVS and the other, to provide young Europeans a greater range of opportunities for volunteering abroad. The reception of foreign volunteers, after this project, is an added value in terms of multiculturalism and tolerance, new custumes, different costumes and be a tangible example of active participation and civic sense for each local context involved.
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