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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project objectives are: 1. To involve European voluntary service volunteers in promotion of international voluntary work as positive impulse on local community, active participation, citizenship, interculltural learning and social development.2. Give opportunity for volunteers to develop initiatives for development of personality.Result of the project will welcome two European volunteers from Russia and Spain for 12 month. The main activities of the project will be: 1. Participation in planing and realization of activities, mainly connected with free time activities for youth - trainings, outdoor actitvities, regular activities in "Youth home". 2. Participation as support person in international voluntary workcamps in Latvia. 3. Promotianal acitivties of international voluntary work for local youth. 4. Administrative work in organisation office - international relations and public relations.The project will result in significant volunteer experience working with children and young people. They will learn a new language, get to know other cultures. It will be able to improve their social and professional competence further education and working life. It was obvious that volunteering experience is expanding the horizons of participants, awareness of European citizenship, participation and belonging. Through this project we want to promote volunteer work both locally and internationally. Develop work with youth and promote youth participation. Offering new activities we will attract more young people.
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2 Partners Participants