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Youth-worker Exchange on Entrepreneurship Education
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Youth-worker Exchange on Entrepreneurship Education (YEEE) responds to a major concern not only present in many European countries (especially south and southeast) but in many countries all over the world: Youth unemployment. Its approach is to educate youth workers by participating to and extensive exchange of best practice combined with informal and intercultural learning. YEEE lays a special focus on learning from the diversity of approaches. Thus project was born in a consortium of 8 organizations from 8 countries (DE, IT, HR, BG, KE, ARG, BR, PH) that have to deal with this problem from different points of view. Partners are youth work organizations, networks of social businesses and socially responsible singular companies. This variety is the capital of YEEE that enables cross-sectorial cooperation and encourages youth workers to build new alliances against youth unemployment and boost youngster’s spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship. Framework of the project is participation to two international youth worker exchanges that is composed of onsite visits, best practice exchange and conferences in Nairobi, KE in May 2015 and Incisa Val D’arno, IT in October 2015. During the conferences 2x32 youth workers will have the unique possibility not only to listen to international experts on the topic but to share their own approaches and experiences. All results from this exchange will be recorded, analysed and elaborated to create an audio-visual learning resource for a wide public of youth workers that can benefit from the results. Special focus during the project will be the analysis and work on case studies of prepared scenarios or situations, learning the correct methodology how to adapt a project to a different cultural scenario and finding the transferable solutions for repeating the processes in other countries.This project proposal is especially cost-effective, as a major part of resources will be used only to enable the youth worker’s participation to the named conferences. Professional preparation In order to ensure the sustainable success of this project all partners will incorporate the methods and approaches derived from the best practice exchange and disseminate the results through their various channels.
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