European Projects
Youth Work without borders in Vorarlberg
Youth Work without borders in Vorarlberg
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Mar 31, 2018
The hosting organisations Offene Jugendarbeit Dornbirn, Hohenems, Lauterach and Lustenau would like to host 4 volunteers from Czech Republic, Spain and Greece. Daniel from Czech Republic will support the project in Dornbirn for 9 month. Paula from Spain will stay in Hohenems for 12 month, Veronika from Czech Republic in Lauterach vor 12 month and Konstantina from Greece in Lustenau for 12 months. In all four organisations they will help in the open youth work and they will get the chance to get to know all different areas with who the organisations work. All four of them are very interested in those projects and they are very happy that they were selected so they look forward to get the chance to have a good EVS experience in Austria.Daniel will finish his study this summer. He is study technical and European business and would like to get before he starts to work some experience in the social field. His motivation to work with young people and to get some new experience in the open youth work. He looks forward to get this opportunity and chance here in Austria.Paula is from Spain and has also planned to finish her degree till the summer. She has some small jobs next to her study but there she doesnt earn enough money to live on her own. She has some experience in working with kids but she wants to use her EVS to get now some experience in social work with youngsters and also with a different culture. Next to that she wants to try to live for the first time on her own. Veronika has at the moment a job in a family hotel that will finally close in the end of the summer. After that she would be unemployed and so she wants to use EVS to make some new experience and to get to know a new culture and working field. She really hopes that the project gets approved so that she doesn’t get unemployed or that she has to look straight away for a new job.Konstantina is the volunteer with fewer opportunities. She is unemployed and lives in Greece where it is because of the economic obstacles difficult to get a job. Now her occupation is to work voluntary but her big target is to make her EVS in the host organisation and get some new experiences. Also with the hope that she can increase her job chances after her EVS. She is really motivated and she looks forward to learn a new culture, new language and meet a lot of new friends. Daniel will have the possibility to decide between 4 areas Culturecafe Schlachthaus, Youthcafe Vismut, Youthcafe Arena and the Youth employment project in Dornbirn. Next to that he has the chance to take part in different activities as Nobel Hobel Ball, Anti Rasime day, Youth Festival on the Dornbirner Fair etc. who will happen during the year. Paula will work in the open youth work and support the youth worker in their work on the street but also in the youth club. She also gets the chance to work in different projects with focus on creativity, sports, education and cultural topics. Veronika has the chance to work in Lauterach in the youth café, play and make free time activities with the young people, participate also in the mobile youth work or organise different workshops…Konstantina will have the possibility to work in different areas with different topics. There she can help in the main house to do open youth work with different ages, to help in the mobile youth work or in the languages support what they offer to young people. The volunteers will be able to make their own projects, bringing in their very own talents. It is also possible for the volunteers to attend trainings and workshops regarding youth work, where they can refine their skills in social work. Through the EVS project in their host organisations Daniel, Paula, Veronika and Konstantina will learn a lot about youth work and will get a practical insight into the various fields of youth work: leisure time activities, intercultural dialogue, employment, education + training in youth work. In the daily contact with the young people they will increase their social competences in establishing contacts and building relationships. Helping with projects or doing their own projects the volunteers will learn project management “by doing” and practice teamwork. They will get an insight into various youth cultures and will meet (young) people of different cultural origin.The hosting organisations also benefits through the stay of the volunteers. The volunteers bring in their own ideas, culture and give so the organisations the chance to explore new ways of working. So there should be finally a win – win situation for the organisations and volunteers.The long term benefit should/could be to reach as much people as possible but especially young people to wake up their interest for going abroad, make new experiences and to use the chance with the EU program ERASMUS+ specially the program “Erasmus+: youth in action”.