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Youth Work and Circus EVS Kuopio
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This long-term EVS took place in Kuopio, Finland. As a joint project of local circus and professional youth work organization, two volunteers joined our activities and added a lot of international aspects to the work, teaching and activities. In this project volunteers used their skills and knowledge as well as social and educational skills in field of circus and youth work. Volunteer A participated activities of Kuopio Circus as an assistant teacher during lessons, and organizing shows together with circus teachers. Volunteer B participated activities of Youth Services as an assistant of youth worker in youth-house, camps and different youth work projects. Most of the tasks were related to cultural youth work, like arranging events and bringing iinternational aspect to activities. Volunteers delivered the good message about internationalization, possibilities of the Erasmus+ programme and tolerance during the project.

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