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Youth values in the modern world
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Youth values in the modern world" it is a project created by young people from Poland, Germany and Ukraine who would like to meet each other in Poland (Wrocław) and engage in intercultural and artistic activities. The main objectives of the project is a discussion on European values among young people, in order to see the similarities, differences, and sources for these values in a changing, dynamic world. The other aim is a common, creative work to teach and learn stop motion movie technique. We would like to use the lessons and results of our discussions in a creative way and do common movie, in which we will present our ideas. The main activity is the organization of youth exchanges in Wroclaw, Poland, on 13-21.07.2014, which will be attended by 7 participants from Ukraine, 7 participants from Germany and 9 participants from Poland (in the age 18-30). The first part of the exchange will be devoted to the subject of European values, tolerance, human rights and the role of youth in the modern world. Through a variety of workshops, discussions, games, brainstorm, work in mixed groups, cultural evenings and other forms of non-formal education we want to invite young people to actively participate and share opinions, experiences and their point of view. The second part of the project it is a practical workshop on how to create stop motion movies. Participants will be able to get know this creative technique of film and photography by professional instructors. During a common creative work they will be also able to create their own movie on a topic related to the theme of the project. Communicative language will be English. The project involves the following results: create a movie using stop-motion technique, the assumption blog design, where will be posting information about the project, the assumption our FunPage on Facebook, making the folder in where we will put all infromation an results pf the project. In addition to creating these products we expect also the other results: integration of intercultural youth, acquire of key cultural competence by them, learning English, learning stop motion technique, interculture dialogue, activation of the of youth, increase mobility of young people, etc. Are also envisaged a long-term result. Through the implementation of common actions will be possible to make new friendships, partnerships, and make some preparation to continue the project in other countries.
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