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Youth Up, Sharing Talent for Europe 2016
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As its name suggests, "YUSTE (Youth Up, Sharing Talent for Europe)", the project´s main objective is to bring together 50 young people from different European countries that have already demonstrated a social concern and commitment to their community, to acquire new skills through collaborative experiences in the following areas:1) Awareness of the current European reality and discovering of the resources that the European Community makes available to youth so they can become active elements in the process of European construction. To accomplish this we have the support of the European Academy of Yuste Foundation which facilitates the intervention of politicians and officials of the various bodies of the European Administration.2) To promote and implement the values of collaborative work, empowerment and accountability for decision making. To develop these competencies we have monitors with extensive experience in conducting workshops and activities that allow experiences these skills through real situations, and the participation of the joung that was involved in the echainge last year.3) Experience the richness of the various European people´s diversity. For this they will be holding a gastronomic-musical soirée every evening, in which each participants communicate the best of each countr´s history, gastronomy and folklore.4) Awareness of the need to create spaces with "full accessibility", so no one might feels excluded or limited in their possibilities. The participation of a young blind provide on all activities that adicional focus that will help better understand the need to create a society with universal accessibility.5)Taking advantage of the fact that the project it will take place Extremadura, an European regions with one of the best preserved ecosystem of the continent, hiking and nature activities that will made to enable them to value the importance of conservation of this natural wealth, so often endangered by uncontrolled development.6) Finally, the artistic attitudes of the participants will be enhanced by conducting workshops rhythm, music, dance and acting. Through these leisure activities they will be develop teamwork skills, by also preparing, with every one participation, a musical show to be presented at a public performance at the end of the exchange.In addition to individual learning that this experience will mean for each participant and the local and regional impact that the project will intend, a video summary of the exchange will be disseminated through the various participating organizations and will be available both on YouTube and the be developed web, on which all events related to this exchange - currently in development -, will be posted, which can be already consulted at; activity can be followed in the in the aforementioned website and social networks such as Facebook page; www.facebook / yuste.summercamp and email

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