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Youth Training MADEIRA
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth Training Madeira project was a result of a collaboration of the Asociación Ser Joven from Spain and Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira Madeira (Portugal). A young volunteer from Cantabria with extensive academic training and with little professional experience and yet unemployed participated in a voluntary activity for 10 months involved mainly in the project at the College of Jesuits, a cultural and scientific space. The voluntary activity was mainly support activities together with other local and international volunteers in various projects as follows: Educational Project to bring closer the History of the Island; Research of important places in the Island and support in guided tours. Museum of the Island: Preparation of an exhibition about the history of the Island and support in the suvenir shop. The target group of the projects are young people , learners that wish to live intercultural experiences with college students from other countries at the university, and youth at risk of social exclusion and young people with learning difficulties in different educative centers linked to universities and the regional government of Madeira. Through the daily activities of the association, Iván developed many competences, especially communication in mother tongue and foreign languages (english and portuguese) and skills of planning, preparation and implementation of activities, different ways to evaluate of the results and how to deal with people in a periferic region or the EU. He is now less afraid to take risks, know better his own limits, and is more responsible and independent. The collaboration of Asociación Ser Joven with Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira (AAUMa) opens new doors to the dialogue of non-formal with formal education. Apart from personal satisfaction and enrichment while performing useful volunteering activities for the local community, this project was a professional experience in a different region in a university setting, which adds quality and importance to it. Participating organizations will benefit from learning from the volunteer and exchange information and possibly create some new projects. The interaction and communication is key to long lasting success of the projects.
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