Search for European Projects

Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

Youth Together for a Better World is a Group EVS project supporting the Year for combatingpoverty and social exclusion in Europe as well as In Africa and Asia. It will involve 10 Europeanyoungsters that will volunteer for a period of 6 months in Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, India, Indonesiaand Vietnam, 4 African and 4 Asian/people that will do their EVS in Italy, Spain, France andPoland. The young volunteers will be engaged in a variety of local hosting projects, ranging fromyouth organizations, schools to social work projects and NGO. There, they will be all engaged inactivities dealing with social inclusion of minorities and disadvantaged people such us: poorchildren, youth in needs, refugees, elderly and disabled people and people suffering from HIV.With this EVS project we would like to give the chance of volunteering above all to all thoseyoungsters that do not have means of going abroad for economical as well as social obstacles. Inthis way we want to foster our volunteers role in society in order to make them more aware oftheir rights and duties as real active citizens.
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