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Youth Sport Development Ambassadors Project 2016
Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This 2 year project will focus on peer led voluntary action in sport to promote social inclusion in sport for young people aged between 16 and 24. The focus will be on working with groups of young people from ethnic minority and migrant populations.At an EU level the need to develop sport for social inclusion and migrant populations is seen as a priority. The challenge facing young people from Ethnic Minority and migrant populations is that in addition to more general social barriers they can also face further barriers to participating in recreational sport. There have been numerous studies and projects at an EU level highlighting inequality issues in governance of sport and also high profile campaigns in football, in particular tackling racism. The issue of participation is sometime less obviously addressed but is clearly an emerging issue for these communities as highlighted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).The objective of this Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project in relation to voluntary action is to identify they ability of young people to develop activity among disengaged social groups. The project will look at sustainable delivery models using young people as ambassadors in creating and delivering new activity for their peer groups. Young people from each of the participating countries will be recruited and trained as Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDAs) who will create and deliver new physical activities for their peer groups in their own countries. The YSDAs will share best practice at an EU level for the first time in this field by observing and supporting each other in the planning and delivery of these activities in the other participating countries. YSDA Mentors will also be recruited to support the development work of the YSDAs and to provide guidance and advice.The legacy of this project will be the development of a mobile application YSDA APP with supporting website.

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