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Youth projects for healthy behaviours.
Start date: Apr 7, 2015, End date: Nov 6, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to increase awareness on the topic of healthy lifestyle and publicizing the values of sports volunteering using artistic means as an advanced level of self organisation, socialization and youth participation in volunteering for inclusion of disadvantaged youth through outdoor activities and grassroot sports. The main idea is to enhance youth participation and collaboration in the field of healthy lifestyle, sports volunteering and physical activity in accordance to social inclusion practices through outdoor activities, visits and creative practices. We believe that volunteer activism in developing grassroots sports is the most successful and innovative way to engage young people in healthy lifestyles, demonstrate and promote healthy behaviours and create opportunities for them. The youth exchange will bring together 56 young people and 8 youth leaders equally representing the UK, Bulgaria, Turkey and Estonia to Antalya, Turkey for 11 days. The concrete objectives of the exchange will include: promoting healthy behaviours, social inclusion and active participation of young people in society; advancing the level of young people's participation in volunteering for inclusion of disadvantaged youth through outdoor activities and grassroots sports; creating presentations in promoting the concept of sports volunteering and volunteer activism in developing grassroots sports in a creative way; increasing the participation by young people with fewer opportunities in the civic life of their community. The young people - participants of the exchange will have different experiences in intercultural contacts from nil to quite experienced peer leaders and ex EVS volunteers. By using knowledge and experience got during the previous projects and involving suitable methods and ensuring that the project is firmly rooted within the local community, we hope that this youth exchange will give the possibility of reaching out to young people with fewer opportunities through outdoor activities and sports volunteering in Europe. During the proposed youth exchange most of the workshops will be led by the young people that have former experience of local and international youth projects. They feel the capacity to promote their achievements in the international cooperation project by building up new sustainable links/networks and promoting healthy behaviours and the idea and values of sports volunteering using creative artistic means to advance the level of participation of young people with fewer opportunities in volunteering for inclusion through outdoor activities and grassroots sports. The methods of outdoor education methodology and non formal education such as using facilitated discussion, developing positive relations and delivering projects will engage young people in the exchange. These methods increase active participation and empowerment of young people with fewer opportunities to make changes in their lives and promote equality of opportunity, diversity and sharing experiences. During the activity all participants will work in mixed groups to design and plan new non formal learning games (name games, energizers, teambuilding activities and simulations) that support social inclusion or/and sports. The project also contains a feature of motivating local young people to participate in dissemination activities and explore volunteer activism in developing grassroots sports together with peers. The Erasmus+ programme opportunities will be also explored and promoted which will lead to follow-up projects and usage of the skills gained during this exchange in terms of paying more attention to the topics of results dissemination and Transfer of Knowledge.
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3 Partners Participants