Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Jul 31, 2016
The area of intervention is promotion of participation in the community you belong to. The need is to improve the way of conveying information, in order to reach all young people, both Italian and foreign, in an effective and easy way.
The project originates from the need expressed by the citizens to fully make use of the rights of citizenship and participation, to be informed on opportunities for institutions to reach them, that can facilitate their integration into social, civil, cultural and professional life and from the willingness of the institution to understand these necessities, even in an attempt to give concrete answers. The need for gathering, orientating, participating and training is basic and prioritized for teenagers and young people. Faced with an increasing level of technological communication there is an also increasing detachment of citizens from the community and public institutions, caused partly by the fact that the institutions use traditional means of communication, not in accordance to the once used nowadays. A significant proportion of young people, the so-called NEET, seems to be out of both school and work areas, representing an element of alarm, because of the high risk of being marginalized by the society of young people and being impossible to reach them with institutional communication channels.
1 ) Promotion and practice of active citizenship , making young people more aware of their role in the creation of the future Europe
2 ) Reflect on the common understanding of cross-cutting issues within European society, such as racism and xenophobia
3 ) Promote dialogue among cultures, ethnicities and religions other than their own
4 ) Increase the active participation of young people and activity in the public and collective decisions
5 ) Contribute to civic, social, cultural and professional training, enhancing the sense of belonging to the community and active citizenship
The activities in which the volunteers will be involved are:
1 ) Involvement in the program planning of activities of Comune di Prato, Biblioteca Lazzerini and Associazione ‘Il Pentolone’(organization and management of the cultural program, management of cultural events and workshops in collaboration with youth organizations)
2 ) Front and back office activities
3 ) Support in the planning and implementation of promotional and communication activities (newsletters, social networks, updating websites and digital communication)
4) collaboration in carrying out workshops offered to teenagers
5 ) Erodesk’s promotion in schools to inform youngsters about opportunities in Europe
6) planning and organization of theatre and music shows in collaboration with schools and local associations
7) Punto Giovani Europa – youth information center in the Municipality of Prato. Volunteers will be involved in the following activities:
• back office activities (collection of data and information research)
• daily press review
• welcoming of users at the front office and monitoring their needs
8)European project: definition and implementation of Eropean Projects dealing with the Erasmus+ program
9) Involvement in the planning and communication of activities of ‘Il Pentolone’ Association.
10)Public Library ‘A.Lazzerini’: support to citizens in accessing library’s services organization of events and initiatives for specific publics, preparation of multicultural and multimedia equipment, guidance regarding electronic services and IT.
The project involves two volunteers from France and Spain and takes place from October/November 2015 to June/July 2016. One volunteer will be involved in the activities of Politiche Giovanili Department and the other will collaborate with the public library A. Lazzerini.
The purpose of this project is not just to host voluntary participants, but also to contribute to spread the importance of Europe within the local community. For this reason, we will try as much as possible, to involve institutions, organizations and associations into the project activities, as well as the youth population of the city. We firmly believe that to reach positive effect of medium or long term period, holding the activity of promoting the EVS in high schools (which we have always tried to do) and involving of local media (press, radio, television) may constitute a sufficient multiplier effect, which can guarantee the desirable sustainability of project activities. Volunteers will be encouraged to maintain international contacts that will be established during the implementation of activities, in order to organize other European projects in the future.