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Youth homelessness
Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: Nov 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Association for Help and Self-Help for the homeless Kings of the Street is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization. From the very beginning we are bringing together professionals, volunteers and others interested and working in the field of homelessness and related phenomena of social exclusion. The aims of our NGO includes studying, exploring and researching homelessness, organising preventive activities, improving living conditions and opportunities for the homeless, developing innovative models of practical work in the field of homelessness, and publishing in this area. Programs conducted by the Association Kings of the Street are aimed at improving living condition for the homeless and other socially excluded population groups. Our EVS project is focused on youth homelessness due to growing number of young homeless people in Ljubljana. Needs of younger homeless persons differ from the needs of the older ones, where in case of the younger homeless immediate interventions are crucial. With this project we want to include more younger persons in our organisation and by that preventing their acculturation into the street homeless subculture. With program activities we want to reach this group and actively include them into planning and production of new activities. From the very beginning (2005) volunteers have been important co-creators of our association. EVS volunteer will be included into work of our three programs: day center, project of support for preservation of safe home and the project Invisible Ljubljana. In day center which is situated in the center of Ljubljana volunteer will make contacts with our target group, he/she will be especially concentrated on younger users and support them to involve in our programs. In the day center, volunteer will be able to join different workshops together with users, also he will have opportunities to develop his own workshops and activities in safe environment. While planning he will have to respect users needs and aspirations and use their own knowledge and competences. In the project of support for preservation of safe home volunteer will be a part of the team of local volunteers and staff. The project is new and in still in its development phase. The aim of the project is to develop community building activities which will reawake community spirit, prevent conflicts and evictions. Volunteer will have opportunity to be a part of young team and develop his own ideas for community work with children, youngsters, grown-ups and older people living in the neighborhood Polje III, Ljubljana.Project Invisible Ljubljana is a social-touristic project providing special guiding tours in Ljubljana. Guides are individuals with experience of homelessness on the streets of Ljubljana, showing their side of story from the streets. Volunteer will be helping the project team in producing marketing material, informing foreign students and youth travelers about our project. After some time, volunteers will be helping tour guides guiding foreign visitors. During the project volunteer will have support of two professional mentors, who will support and navigate his/her work. Volunteer will have all support needed, personal and professional. Together they will be planning, reflecting and evaluating his/her work and learning goals.Project provides an opportunity for volunteer to rediscover his/her own knowledge and skills as well as possibility to improve them and learn new ones. Volunteer will be active part of our team, independent in producing his/her own ideas trough workshops, activities and programs for people experiencing homelessness or other forms of social exclusion. With involvement into work of the organisation he will learn how to work in the team, multicultural environment, will develop he/her empathy toward socially excluded groups. His/her work will be directed toward more inclusive methods of work. This experience will deepen his/her understanding of social exclusion so in his/her future work he/she will know how to include socially vulnerable individuals and groups.At the end of the project, volunteer will get Youthpass and our special certificate for volunteering, what will enrich his CV.Also, after EVS project, mentors will gladly support volunteer in his/her future actions.

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