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Youth for Peaceful Coexistence
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project was born at one of the ‘’ Youth Peace Ambassadors’’ meeting in Budapest together with our project partner David Mirvelashvili. One of the main hint of the idea was also a draft of law about segregation of Roma pupils in education which was proposed to the parliament. The overall goal of the project ‘‘Youth for Peaceful Coexistence‘‘, is to provide the space for young participants to discuss different realities, problems and challenges, concerning integration, marginalization and stigmatization, to introduce them with the method of simulation games and to let them try out different roles and perceptions to the problem. The main topics of the training-seminar as well as of simulation game will be dedicated to integration/minority issues. Simulation game approaches these issues on two levels: on a very local level as well as on an institutional level. It helps participants to understand where and how problems are arising, how they are linked and how solutions are developed on different levels. The training participants will learn about the method of simulation games and other special tools used during the seminar, so they will be enabled to use them later in their work. They will also have possibility to visit organization working in the field of integration in Berlin and to talk with different experts. We will select the project participants together with our partner organization by considering of their motivation, age, experience and interest to the TC topic, we will keep gender and regional balance. 4 multiplier/trainer from each partner organization will participate in the TC, totally 24 participants. The content and the program of the training seminar will be worked out in cooperation with our partner organizations, we will have the project preparatory skype meeting, in June where we will define concrete schedule and the elements of the TC activities. The Actual project will take place in Berlin, on 23-29 August. As a result of the project participants will change their perspectives, receive new skills and knowledge on how to facilitate simulation games. They will share different experiences and hear best practices on how to address the issue of integration, they will learn more about human rights, discrimination, tolerance and the ways and challenges for peaceful coexistence. The network of likeminded people will be created, which will have enough knowledge and experience to follow up and implement different initiatives in their local communities.

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5 Partners Participants