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Youth Entrepreneurs for Healthy Lifestyle(s): From Passion to Business
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Youth Healthy Lifestyle(s) Entrepreneurs: From Passion to Business" project is 2 years long -term project proposal that aims to design new possibilities for youth employment in the healthy lifestyle industry. The project will create an e - learning platform and open space for discussion, sharing experiences and good practices of successful social innovations in the field of youth entrepreneurship in healthy lifestyle industry , and proposing new future tools and plans among the group of participants. „Interactive Educational Program for Youth Entrepreneurs in Healthy Lifestyle” will be created during the project and will be available at the e-learning platform. The project consists of the following groups of activities :- Research : identifying the existing youth subcultures based on the idea of healthy lifestyle and behavior: healthy eating , organic farming, subcultures referring to various outdoor activities etc. The Methods we plan to use are: Case studies, interviews and focus group with youngsters representing such subcultures; creating database of potential young entrepreneurs from the 4 countries represented into the project - Romania, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria - A set of training activities: involving the creation of programmes, seminars and trainings as well as dissemination events that provide the values and basics of starting and running a business based on the healthy orientated hobbies common for nowadays youngsters . Both - the set of training events (thematic seminars; workshops, round tables, exchanges of young people; youth workers mobilities) for development of the entrepreneurial capacity of the young people and youth workers as well as the entrepreneur-training programme have the aim to increase the employability and develop the entrepreneur skills based on youth healthy behaviors. The Open resources based educational programme developed in this part of the project will be focused in particular on issues relevant to the capability of these youngsters to start a business idea based on their own healthy lifestyles hobbies. In the trainings trainers and experts in the field of business and science (chemistry, sport and biology Phd students) financial experts and entrepreneurs will share their expertise.- Creation of manual with good practices of youth entrepreneurial experience from Romania, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria demonstrating how the youth healthy behaviors could be transformed into personal business or increase the youth capacity for employability. The manual will also summarize a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that make the healthy lifestyle oriented youngsters more likely to create /gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations.

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