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Youth e-perspectives on migration
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background:This strategic partnership is a response to the current refugee crisis in Europe and the fact that young people need up-to-date digital and media literacy skills to be able to use digital technologies to address the social issues around them. It is based on the long-standing experience of the participating organisations in developing trainings in digital skills for young people, and in particular for their digital inclusion. The idea came from the realisation that young people should be empowered to be active players in current societal developments, in particular the current refugee crisis, and that digital technologies can help them understand the issues, engage and look for solutions.Objectives:The project will create an easy-to-apply training methodology “Find-Tell-Act” to introduce young people to the possibilities of digital media to tell a story, make sense of events, raise awareness and provoke change. This methodology will be based on the previous experience of the partners in providing trainings in digital literacy, and will be composed of three thematic workshops: digital photography, digital storytelling and digital journalism. The methodology will be contextualised to the topic of migration and refugees, but will be adaptable to other topics, as well. The methodology will be accompanied with guidelines for other organisations, which would like to apply it, providing them with good practices and tips on how to reach disadvantaged youth and engage them in the training, how to adapt it to other topics and engage other stakeholders.Number and profile of participants:The target group of the project is youth from socially or economically disadvantaged background. Direct participants of the project will be 8 youth workers from the partner organisations, who will contribute to the development of the methodology, and 25 young people, who will participate in blended learning mobility. Another 60 young people are expected to participate in local peer-to-peer info days that young people will organise for their peers once they complete the training, to showcase their work and pass on their experience. At least 50 e-facilitators (educators in telecentres) working with youth will participate in the final multiplier event.Description of activities and methodology:The project has 3 phases. During the 1st phase, partners will develop the training methodology based on the three workshops outlined above and will establish the online platform. In parallel, they will develop a handbook for youth engagement, which will help them to reach and attract youth. They will select the young people for the training and organise an orientation day for the preselected to introduce them to the topic “Migration and the EU refugee crisis”.Phase 2 is the blended training, where the methodology will be tested with 25 young people. The training will consist of 1,5 months preparatory online learning; 6-days of face-to-face training and another 1,5 month of follow up online training (C1). Upon completion of the training, young people with support & mentoring from the partner organisations at the local level will organise peer-to-peer info events for other young people in their neighbourhood or city, where they will demonstrate what they have learned and created (O4).In the final stage of the project, partners’ experiences from the trainings will feed into refining and fine-tuning of the methodology (O2) and development of the Guidelines for its implementation (O5).Results and impact:The main expected results of the project are increased digital skills of the young people and their understanding of migration and the refugee crisis and its different consequences. The project will increase their knowledge on using digital media, equipping them with new skills, which will help them to express themselves and address the problems around them in a critical and constructive way. These skills will also be useful in employment, and possibly motivate them to get further training in digital skills by giving them a “taste” of the numerous possibilities that ICT offers. They will also improve their analytic, personal and intercultural skills, since for most of them this will be the first international experience. Additionally, the youth workers and partner organisations involved will increase their capacity and will have at their disposal a comprehensive methodology for conducting similar training in the future.

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3 Partners Participants