European Projects
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
The digital skill is one of the 8 key skills spotted by the EU as essential in the lifelong training and education process. The mastering of the information technologies, in addition with a critical sense and a confident use of it, prepares people to the adult life and to the social and professional integration.
Young people were born with digital tools. They grew up with it and developed skills linked to the sometimes intensive use they make of these tools that are constitutive of our « urban culture »: cell phones, game consoles, microcomputers, digital cameras, digital tablets, social networks.
These skills are not always recognized in the traditional educational system and in the traditional employment streams. Some young people who are dropping out of school or who face difficulties regarding their social and economic integration yet have true talents, knowledges and skills in the digital field.
The YDEES project aims at revealing these skills and consolidate them in order to enhance and promote them on the European labor market or through the access to appropriate training programs.
It gathers 20 young Portuguese, French and Maltese people who are either excluded of the professional or educational system, or into a learning process, but who present challenges related to the integration in their institution, or developing their own business.
Out of the formal training frame, these young people will make exchanges in order to develop their digital knowledges: they have in common the taste for digital tools (games, website development, creation of movies and images…)
These 20 young people, who are in various learning processes, will create various project teams and will share mobilities that will enable them to consolidate their skills:
- Techniques :
Common experiment of specific softwares :
The young Portuguese teach the young French and Maltese how to work in the television environment.
The young French teach the young Portuguese and Maltese how to work on visual and sound creations around artistic projects.
The young Maltese share their experience of the digital and music as well as their experience of mobilities and the launching of one’s professional activity.
- Creatives:
The Young people create altogether a video report for the Alto Minho television.
The young people create altogether in France a report for the Rocher de Palmer's e-magazine and for the regional television : TV
- Entrepreneurial : after these experiences, the 20 young people are familiar with new skills, with the European labour market in the fields of cultural / creative industries and tourism, with all the European systems that foster mobility and business creation : EVS, Erasmus + young entrepreneurs, and all the young professionals and young artists mobility programmes.