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Youth Banks on the Move
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Youth Banks on the Move consisted of two youth exchanges which included youth who participated in Youth Bank Maribor project and other interested youth from Maribor, and youth active in local Youth Bank in Romania. The first youth exchange took place between October 16th and 23rd, 2015 in Cluj-Napoci in Romania: eighteen people participated in it, fifteen youths and three youth leaders. The second exchange took place between November 9th and 17th, 2015 in Maribor, Slovenia, where twenty people participated: sixteen youths and four youth leaders. In each of the youth exchanges, nine disadvantaged youths actively participated, among them one person with international protection. The main topics of the project were: international and developmental cooperation, youth (youth work, participation, and youth politics), awareness of European citizenship and democracy. Through different methods of informal learning (for example, preparation and realization of introduction, workshops, guided work at playground, discussion, social activities, cooking, individual work, research and information acquirement through the world wide web, terrain research, karaoke) we carried out activities which: • contributed to improve Youth Bank Maribor activity and wider promotion of it, because examples of good practice and new knowledge were transferred from Romanian participants, who have been doing Youth Bank for longer, to Slovenian participants, • connected both implementing organizations (Youth Cultural Centre Maribor and Association for Community Relations), • enabled participants to get to know the culture of another country (for example, language, songs, food, local and regional sights), young people from another country, organizations from another country (both in Cluj-Napoci and Maribor the participants got to know the activity of different youth organizations), • enabled participants to strengthen or gain new knowledge and competences mostly in areas of project work, planning and renovation of playground, preparation and video editing. The main results of the project are: • e-material From AHH to OHH or The Path to Youth Bank (published on Youth Bank web site) in Slovene and English where the establishment of the Youth Bank project is described with examples from Maribor and Cluj-Napoci (results from the first youth exchange), • renovated playground on Makedonska Street in Maribor at Integracijska hiša (Integration House) which enabled the residents of Integracijska hiša and other population new space for socializing and quality spending of free time through sports (the result of the second youth exchange), • prepared and tested 3, 2, 1 game which includes interesting questions about the European Union and its purpose was to spread consciousness of and give more information about the European Union in a fun way (result of the first and the second exchange), • video with videos and photographs from both youth exchanges (results from the first and the second youth exchange). Long-term effects of the project: • because of previous interest of youth organizations for the Youth Bank project, the e-material will contribute to the project being established faster in other youth organizations, and thus more organizations will become members of YouthBanks International network, • the renovated playground will have long-term effects for the town district in which it is (new space for socializing and sports activities), • the participants will be able to use acquired knowledge, competences and personal connections/networks on other school, work or personal occasions, • greater recognition of Erasmus+ program, especially youth exchanges. The whole project lasted from October 1st, 2014 until January 31st, 2016.
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