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Youth and European Participation
Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Nov 20, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is a double youth exchange with participants from Ostrava ( Czech Republic ) and Bizkaia ( Basque Country - Spain ), aged between 16 and 25 years . The exchanges take place between 2 and 11 of July in Galdakao ( Bizkaia ) , and between 24 of August and 4 of September in Ostrava, ( Czech Republic ). In this project will be involved 28 young people (12 participants from each country, Bizkaia & Czech Republic ), accompanied by two leaders per country. We will develop several activities and workshops in order to work abotu historical and current social issues affecting today's society. The main topics will be: Peace and socio-economic development , civil solidarity and new forms of youth participation ... The main topic of the project will be the European citizenship and youth participation , taking into account the recent past and the reality in Bizkaia and Ostrava, and which will be in the future. These dynamics and activities also help develop the social consciousness of the young people involved and their leadership skills to motivate its future contribution as volunteers in activities and organizations for social purposes and development of their communities. These issues will be worked through various workshops and dynamics as well as cultural activities and outdoor air, a methodology for non-formal education.

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